Základní škola - budova 2

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Contact Základní škola - budova 2

Address :

Školní 195/3, 147 00 Praha 4-Braník, Czechia

Categories :
City : Praha 4 Braník

Školní 195/3, 147 00 Praha 4-Braník, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Krásná majestátní budova těsně pod kostelem svatého Prokopa má více než stoletou tradici. Škola v Braníku existovala už před rokem 1894, ale údajně sídlila "v nevyhovující budově připomínající venkovský statek". Novostavba se stala chloubou Braníku. Nad hlavním vchodem je dodnes busta J. A. Komenského. V roce 1938 byl postaven nový komplex budov ve funkcionalistickém stylu necelých sto metrů jihovýchodně od původní školy. The beautiful majestic building just below the Church of St. Procopius has more than a century of tradition. The school in Braník existed before 1894, but it was allegedly located "in an unsuitable building reminiscent of a country farmhouse". The new building became the pride of Braník district. Above the main entrance is still a bust of J. A. Comenius watching all the pupils. In 1938, a new complex of functionalist-style buildings was built less than a hundred meters southeast of the original school.
The beautiful majestic building just below the Church of St. Procopius has more than a century of tradition. The school in Braník existed before 1894, but it was allegedly located "in an unsuitable building reminiscent of a country farmhouse". The new building became the pride of Braník. Above the main entrance is still a bust of J. A. Comenius. In 1938, a new complex of functionalist-style buildings was built less than a hundred meters southeast of the original school. The beautiful majestic building just below the Church of St. Procopius has more than a century of tradition. The school in Braník existed before 1894, but it was allegedly located "in an unsuitable building reminiscent of a country farmhouse". The new building became the pride of Braník district. Above the main entrance is still a bust of J. A. Comenius watching all the pupils. In 1938, a new complex of functionalist-style buildings was built less than a hundred meters southeast of the original school.

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