Základní Škola Čáslav - nám. Jana Žižky z Trocnova 182

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Základní Škola Čáslav

Address :

nám. Jana Žižky z Trocnova 182, 286 01 Čáslav, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +79
Postal code : 286
Website : http://www.zscaslav.cz/
Categories :
City : Čáslav

nám. Jana Žižky z Trocnova 182, 286 01 Čáslav, Czechia
Kevin Conka on Google

LifeHacks - ELECTRONIC on Google

Pavel Horký on Google

Adéla Mrázková on Google

Matyas Chovan on Google

nesnáším školu.
I hate school.
Eva Jordan on Google

Tuto školu návštěvoval malíř Antonín Chitussi.
This school was visited by the painter Antonín Chitussi.
david Horálek on Google

Vzhledem k tomu, že na tuto školu chodím, můžu jí vřele doporučit. Skvělé třídy, učitelé, pomůcky, prostě vše co potřebujete.
Since I go to this school, I can highly recommend it. Great classes, teachers, aids, just everything you need.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Kořeny zdejší instituce sahají až do roku 1820, kdy město Čáslav získalo povolení zřídit školu. Začalo se tu vyučovat už za dva roky - tři třídy byly otevřeny v listopadu 1822 a čtvrtá o osm let později. Škola původně sídlila v jednopatrovém měšťanském stavení, ke kterému později přibyl i odkoupený sousední dům. I tyto objekty však přestaly kapacitně postačovat, proto se město rozhodlo na tomto místě vystavět novou a větší budovu. Ta byla předána do užívání 1. října 1872. Ve 30. letech 20. století byla rekonstruována a rozšířena o rozsáhlou přístavbu. Výsledkem je v podstatě dnešní podoba areálu. The roots of the local institution go back to 1820, when the town of Čáslav obtained permission to establish a school. Teaching began here in two years - three classes were opened in November 1822 and the fourth eight years later. The school was originally housed in a one-storey burgher building, to which a purchased neighboring house was later added. However, even these buildings ceased to have sufficient capacity, so the city decided to build a new and larger building on this site. It was put into use on October 1, 1872. In the 1930s, it was reconstructed and extended by an extensive extension. The result is basically today's appearance of the area.
The roots of the local institution go back to 1820, when the town of Čáslav obtained permission to establish a school. Teaching began here in two years - three classes were opened in November 1822 and the fourth eight years later. The school was originally housed in a one-storey burgher building, to which a purchased neighboring house was later added. However, even these buildings ceased to have sufficient capacity, so the city decided to build a new and larger building on this site. It was put into use on October 1, 1872. In the 1930s, it was reconstructed and extended by an extensive extension. The result is basically today's appearance of the area. The roots of the local institution go back to 1820, when the town of Čáslav obtained permission to establish a school. Teaching began here in two years - three classes were opened in November 1822 and the fourth eight years later. The school was originally housed in a one-storey burgher building, to which a purchased house was later added. However, even these buildings ceased to have sufficient capacity, so the city decided to build a new and larger building on this site. It was put into use on October 1, 1872. In the 1930s, it was reconstructed and extended by an extensive extension. The result is basically today's appearance of the area.

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