Základní Umělecká Škola - K Brance 72

4/5 based on 5 reviews

Contact Základní Umělecká Škola

Address :

K Brance 72, 155 00 Praha 13-Stodůlky, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
Postal code : 155
Website : http://www.zuspraha5.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha Stodůlky

K Brance 72, 155 00 Praha 13-Stodůlky, Czechia
Matěj Pátek on Google

Marek Mára on Google

Vojtěch Lehký on Google

Do téhle školy chodím skoro 5 let a nikdy v ničem nezklamala. Nejlepší ZUŠ!
I have been to this school for almost 5 years and has never failed in anything. Nejlepší ZUŠ!
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Původně jednotřídní škola, která byla ve Stodůlkách zřízena již k roku 1787. Původně šlo o přízemní stavení s doškovou střechou, kde byla jedna vyučovací místnost a byt pro učitele. Roku 1816 byl objekt přestavěn a v roce 1857 zvýšen o patro, do něhož byla situována druhá vyučovací místnost. Další přestavba proběhla v roce 1901, sedm let poté byla vystavěna škola nova s čp. 135 a objekt byl upraven k bydlení. Učit se tu znovu začalo od roku 1933, do roku 1950 tu dokonce úřadovala i správa obce. Důkladné obnovy proběhly ještě v roce 1987 a poslední roku 2003. Originally a one-class school, which was established in Stodůlky as early as 1787. Originally it was a ground floor building with a thatched roof, where there was one classroom and an apartment for teacher. In 1816, the object was rebuilt and in 1857 it was increased by a floor to which the second classroom was located. Another reconstruction took place in 1901, seven years later a nova school with No. 135 was built and the this one was converted into housing. Learning began here again from 1933, until 1950 even the village administration served here. Thorough renovations took place in 1987 and last in 2003.
Originally a one-class school, which was established in Stodůlky as early as 1787. Originally it was a ground floor building with a thatched roof, where there was one classroom and an apartment for teachers. In 1816 the building was rebuilt and in 1857 it was increased by a floor to which the second classroom was located. Another reconstruction took place in 1901, seven years later a nova school with No. 135 was built and the building was converted into housing. Learning began here again from 1933, until 1950 the village administration even served here. Thorough renovations took place in 1987 and last in 2003. Originally a one-class school, which was established in Stodůlky as early as 1787. Originally it was a ground floor building with a thatched roof, where there was one classroom and an apartment for teacher. In 1816, the object was rebuilt and in 1857 it was increased by a floor to which the second classroom was located. Another reconstruction took place in 1901, seven years later a nova school with No. 135 was built and the this one was converted into housing. Learning began here again from 1933, until 1950 even the village administration served here. Thorough renovations took place in 1987 and last in 2003.
Jan Wayne on Google

Za nás bohužel školu nemohu doporučit...... Přišli mi arogantní a né moc učený..... Proto jsme i ukončili docházku a nyní chodíme k profesionálům.
Unfortunately, I can't recommend school for us ...... They came to me arrogant and not very learned ..... That's why we ended our attendance and now we go to professionals.

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