Roman Catholic parish in the church. James elder - Kovářova 21

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Pravidelné bohoslužby od 26. 6. do 3. 9. jsou takto:    Sv. Jakub Sv. Prokop Neděle 8:00 9:30   20:30   Středa   18:00 Pátek 18:00   Mimo pravidelné bohoslužby jsou o prázdninách nepravidelné mše dle přítomnosti kněží. Rozpis tě...


Contact Roman Catholic parish in the church. James elder

Address :

Kovářova 21, 155 00 Praha 13, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +888
Postal code : 155
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Categories :
City : Praha

Kovářova 21, 155 00 Praha 13, Czechia
Pavel Brezovsky on Google

Katolické společenství v tomto chrámu s velmi živou činností, velmi duchovní místo
Catholic community in this temple with a very lively activity, a very spiritual place
Tomáš Praus on Google

Krásný udržovaný kostel, ve kterém se aktivně slouží mše a konají akce.
A beautiful maintained church, where masses are actively served and events take place.
Petr Koldovský on Google

Pseudogotický kostel sv. Jakuba Staršího ve Stodůlkách byl postaven v roce 1903 na místě staršího románského kostela z roku 1292.
Pseudo-Gothic Church of St. Jakub Starší in Stodůlky was built in 1903 on the site of an older Romanesque church from 1292.
Milan Nejedly on Google

Krásný kostel, klidné místo, kde se v kontrastu s okolními sídlišti zastavil čas.
A beautiful church, a quiet place where time has stopped in contrast to the surrounding housing estates.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Středověká farnost ve Stodůlkách je doložena už k roku 1292. V důsledku protestantské reformace však zanikla a dlouhou dobu zde katolická duchovní správa neexistovala. Od roku 1688 byly Stodůlky přifařeny k farnosti Panny Marie před Týnem na Starém Městě. Bohoslužby zde od roku 1695 obstarávali kněží z konventu bratří františkánů u Panny Marie Sněžné na Novém Městě pražském. V roce 1702 byly Stodůlky přifařeny k farnosti libocké. Až od roku 1854 můžeme mluvit o samostatné farnosti. V letech 2000-2001 bylo na sídlišti v Nových Butovicích vystavěno velké Komunitní centrum svatého Prokopa s kaplí a s dalšími prostory pro pastorační účely farnosti a pro účely kulturní. Na faře ve starých Stodůlkách zůstaly pouze byty pro farní duchovenstvo. The medieval parish in Stodůlky dates back to 1292. However, as a result of the Protestant Reformation, it disappeared and for a long time there was no Catholic spiritual administration. From 1688, Stodůlky was attached to the parish of the Virgin Mary of Týn in the Old Town. Services have been provided here since 1695 by priests from the Franciscan Brothers Convent at Our Lady of the Snows in Prague's New Town. In 1702, Stodůlky was added to the Liboc parish. Only since 1854 can we speak of an independent parish. In the years 2000-2001, a large Community Center of St. Procopius with a chapel and other premises for the pastoral purposes of the parish and for cultural purposes was built on the housing estate in Nové Butovice. So only flats for the parish clergy remained at the former parish premises in old Stodůlky.
The medieval parish in Stodůlky dates back to 1292. However, as a result of the Protestant Reformation, it disappeared and for a long time there was no Catholic spiritual administration. From 1688, Stodůlky was attached to the parish of the Virgin Mary in front of Týn in the Old Town. Services have been provided here since 1695 by priests from the Franciscan Brothers Convent at Our Lady of the Snows in Prague's New Town. In 1702, Stodůlky was added to the parish of Libocká. It is not until 1854 that we can speak of an independent parish. In the years 2000-2001, a large Community Center of St. Procopius with a chapel and other premises for the pastoral purposes of the parish and for cultural purposes was built on the housing estate in Nové Butovice. Only flats for the parish clergy remained at the parish in old Stodůlky. The medieval parish in Stodůlky dates back to 1292. However, as a result of the Protestant Reformation, it disappeared and for a long time there was no Catholic spiritual administration. From 1688, Stodůlky was attached to the parish of the Virgin Mary of Týn in the Old Town. Services have been provided here since 1695 by priests from the Franciscan Brothers Convent at Our Lady of the Snows in Prague's New Town. In 1702, Stodůlky was added to the Liboc parish. Only since 1854 can we speak of an independent parish. In the years 2000-2001, a large Community Center of St. Procopius with a chapel and other premises for the pastoral purposes of the parish and for cultural purposes was built on the housing estate in Nové Butovice. So only flats for the parish clergy remained at the former parish premises in old Stodůlky.
Petr Nechanicky on Google

Měli jsme kdysi štěstí na Rybovu mši s paní Kociánovou a na to se nezapomíná, stejně jako na závěrečné Nesem Vám noviny.. Chodíme i dnes jen přes mříž pohlédnout ..
We used to be lucky at Ryb's Mass with Mrs. Kociánová and it is not forgotten, as well as at the final I will bring you a newspaper .. We still go through the lattice today to look ..
Miriam Kubičková on Google

Krásny kostelík , dominanta celého rozlehlého sídliště, jak estetická tak duchovní. Překrásná je i přilehlá farní zahrada. Farní společenství je živé a otevřené.
Beautiful church, dominating the entire large housing estate, both aesthetic and spiritual. The adjacent parish garden is also beautiful. The parish community is lively and open.
Anna Haladová on Google

Žijící farnost. Bývají tu i koncerty, někdy je kostel otevřen pro veřejnost, což je poměrně vzácné v našich zeměpisných šířkách. K farnosti patří i Komunitní centrum sv.Prokopa na Nových Butovicích, krásná moderní budova, také plná života a akcí.
Living parish. There are also concerts, sometimes the church is open to the public, which is relatively rare in our latitudes. The parish also includes the Community Center of St. Procopius in Nové Butovice, a beautiful modern building, also full of life and events.

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