Church of St. John and Paul - K Řeporyjím

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Contact Church of St. John and Paul

Address :

K Řeporyjím, 155 00 Praha 13-Krteň, Czechia

Postal code : 155
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha Krteň

K Řeporyjím, 155 00 Praha 13-Krteň, Czechia
Pavel Brezovsky on Google

Kostel v dosahu chůze od Metra, krásné místo s velkým duchovním dosahem
Church within easy walking distance of the Metro, a beautiful place with great spiritual reach
Vladimír C. on Google

Bylo to super,, všichni do mě cpali oplatky a lili víno.
It was great, everybody stuffed wafers and poured wine.
Jiří Shejbal on Google

Na území Prahy ale přitom, jako by byl člověk na venkově.
But in Prague, as if he were a man in the country.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Předchůdce dnešního krásného kostela byl postaven na vyvýšeném místě v pozdně románském slohu v 2. čtvrtině 13. století. Spolu se hřbitovem je jediným pozůstatkem dávno zaniklé středověké vsi Krteň, která je zmiňována k roku 1434 jako majetek českých králů - ti byli i patrony zdejšího kostela. V husitských dobách se Krteň stala majetkem svatovítské kapituly, která ji v roce 1667 připojila k Chrášťanům a v té době patrně zanikla i zdejší fara. Celá ves zanikla pravděpodobně po třicetileté válce. Kostel získal roku 1575 boční loď, v roce 1699 sakristii, mezi lety 1732–34 byla zvýšena věž. Současná podoba je výsledkem novorománské přestavby z roku 1890 podle návrhu A. Živného. V presbytáři se zachovalo románské okno a na východní stěně uvnitř pozdně románské nástěnné malby z konce 13. století. Představují Křest Kristův, Obětování v chrámě, Josefův sen a Církev - učitelku. The predecessor of today's beautiful church was built on an elevated site in the late Romanesque style in the second quarter of the 13th century. Together with the cemetery, it is the only remnant of the long-defunct medieval village of Krteň, which is mentioned in 1434 as the property of the Czech kings - they were also the patrons of the local church. During the Hussite wars, Krteň became the property of the St. Vitus Chapter, which annexed it to Chrášťany in 1667, and at that time the local parish probably disappeared. The whole village probably disappeared after the Thirty Years' War. The church acquired a nave in 1575, a sacristy in 1699, and a tower was raised between 1732 and 1934. The current building is the result of the neo-Romanesque reconstruction from 1890 according to the design of A. Živný. A Romanesque window has been preserved in the presbytery and a late Romanesque mural from the end of the 13th century on the east wall inside. They represent the Baptism of Christ, Sacrifice in the Temple, Joseph's Dream and the Church as a Teacher.
The predecessor of today's beautiful church was built on an elevated site in the late Romanesque style in the second quarter of the 13th century. Together with the cemetery, it is the only remnant of the long-defunct medieval village of Krteň, which is mentioned in 1434 as the property of the Czech kings - they were also the patrons of the local church. In Hussite times, Krteň became the property of the St. Vitus Chapter, which annexed it to Chrášťany in 1667, and at that time the local parish probably disappeared. The whole village probably disappeared after the Thirty Years' War. The church acquired a nave in 1575, a sacristy in 1699, and a tower was raised between 1732 and 1934. The current form is the result of the neo-Romanesque reconstruction from 1890 according to the design of A. Živný. A Romanesque window has been preserved in the presbytery and a late Romanesque mural from the end of the 13th century on the east wall inside. They represent the Baptism of Christ, Sacrifice in the Temple, Joseph's Dream and the Church Teacher. The predecessor of today's beautiful church was built on an elevated site in the late Romanesque style in the second quarter of the 13th century. Together with the cemetery, it is the only remnant of the long-defunct medieval village of Krteň, which is mentioned in 1434 as the property of the Czech kings - they were also the patrons of the local church. During the Hussite wars, Krteň became the property of the St. Vitus Chapter, which annexed it to Chrášťany in 1667, and at that time the local parish probably disappeared. The whole village probably disappeared after the Thirty Years' War. The church acquired a nave in 1575, a sacristy in 1699, and a tower was raised between 1732 and 1934. The current building is the result of the neo-Romanesque reconstruction from 1890 according to the design of A. Živný. A Romanesque window has been preserved in the presbytery and a late Romanesque mural from the end of the 13th century on the east wall inside. They represent the Baptism of Christ, Sacrifice in the Temple, Joseph's Dream and the Church as a Teacher.
Petra Dolejšová on Google

Když nejsou lidé kolem, nádherný a tichý relax
When there are no people around, wonderful and quiet relaxation
Tomas Horak on Google

Krásné místo na relax?
A beautiful place to relax
Romana Skokanová on Google

Krásné místo, které je nutné ochraňovat před Vodražkovou postupující betonovou džunglí.
A beautiful place that needs to be protected from Vodražka's advancing concrete jungle.
Bob Hall on Google

Pretty little church and cemetery.

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