Kostel sv. Jakuba - Středočeský kraj

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Contact Kostel sv. Jakuba

Address :

Husovo nám. 10, Středočeský kraj, 253 01 Hostivice-Praha-západ, Czechia

Postal code : 253
Website : https://farnosthostivice.cz/
Categories :
City : Hostivice Praha západ

Husovo nám. 10, Středočeský kraj, 253 01 Hostivice-Praha-západ, Czechia
Elżbieta Kaczmarska on Google

d3xtr hans on Google

Václav Hronek on Google

Krásně upravené náměstí
Beautifully landscaped square
edith defuca on Google

V neděli vždy plno ??
Always full on Sunday
Jana Růžičková on Google

Celá Hostivice je velmi příjemné místo ?!
The whole Hostivice is a very nice place ?!
Iveta Honzová on Google

Pochází ze 13.stol.a není na něm vidět stáří
It dates from the 13th century and does not show old age
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Nejstarší dochovaná místní stavba. První zmínka o kostelu sv. Jakuba pochází z roku 1277 a je zároveň první písemnou zmínkou o Hostivici. Původní kostel byl zřejmě bez věže, vedle něj na přilehlém hřbitově nejspíše stála dřevěná zvonice. Na jižní straně chrámové lodi je dodnes dochováno románské kvádříkové zdivo. Za třicetileté války jej v roce 1631 vypálili Švédové a Sasové, ještě v roce 1662 je uváděn jako zpustlý. V té době začala přestavba, při které byla dostavěna věž. V ohradní zdi kostelní zahrady jsou dochovány dva silně poškozené náhrobky zřejmě ze 16. či 17. století. Před vchodem do areálu kostela stojí barokní sochy sv. Jana Nepomuckého a sv. Františka z Assissi, doplněné křížem. Současný vzhled kostela je výsledkem mnoha pozdějších přestaveb. The oldest preserved local building. The first mention of the church of St. James is from 1277 and is also the first written mention of Hostivice. The original church was probably without a tower, and a wooden belfry probably stood next to it in the adjacent cemetery. On the southern side of the nave the Romanesque block masonry is still preserved. During the Thirty Years' War, it was burned down by the Swedes and Saxons in 1631, and it was reported to be abandoned still in 1662. At that time a huge reconstruction began, during which the new tower was completed. Two heavily damaged tombstones from the 16th or 17th century have been preserved in the enclosure wall of the church garden. In front of the entrance to the church area the Baroque statues of St. John of Nepomuk and St. Francis of Assissi stand, accompanied by a cross. The present appearance of the church is the result of many later reconstructions.
The oldest preserved local building. The first mention of the church. James is from 1277 and is also the first written mention of Hostivice. The original church was probably without a tower, and next to it in the adjacent cemetery probably stood a wooden belfry. On the southern side of the nave is still preserved Romanesque cuboid masonry. During the Thirty Years' War, it was burned down by the Swedes and Saxons in 1631, and in 1662 it was reported to be abandoned. At that time began reconstruction, which was completed tower. Two heavily damaged tombstones from the 16th or 17th century have been preserved in the enclosure wall of the church garden. In front of the entrance to the church area stands Baroque statues of St. John of Nepomuk and St. Francis of Assissi, accompanied by a cross. The present appearance of the church is the result of many later reconstructions. The oldest preserved local building. The first mention of the church of st. James is from 1277 and is also the first written mention of Hostivice. The original church was probably without a tower, and a wooden belfry probably stood next to it in the adjacent cemetery. On the southern side of the Romanesque block masonry is still preserved. During the Thirty Years' War, it was burned down by the Swedes and Saxons in 1631, and it was reported to be abandoned still in 1662. At that time a huge reconstruction began during which the new tower was completed. Two heavily damaged tombstones from the 16th or 17th century have been preserved in the enclosure wall of the church garden. In front of the entrance to the church area the Baroque statues of St. St. John of Nepomuk Francis of Assissi stand by a cross. The present appearance of the church is the result of many later reconstructions.
František Martínek on Google

Mohu posoudit jen čistě z hlediska návštěvy při obřadu svatby, které jsem se zúčastnil jako host. Dovedu si představit i jsem zažil daleko hezčí prostředí, příjemnější slovo i celkovou atmosféru.
I can only judge purely in terms of visiting the wedding ceremony that I attended as a guest. I can imagine and I experienced a much nicer environment, a more pleasant word and the overall atmosphere.

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