Kostel sv. Jana Nepomuckého

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Contact Kostel sv. Jana Nepomuckého

Address :

Košíře, 150 00 Praha 5, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +98
Website : http://www.farnostkosire.webnode.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha

Košíře, 150 00 Praha 5, Czechia
Eva Jordan on Google

Nádherná monumentální funkcionalistická stavba kostela z roku 1942 stojí na skalnatém podloží na jakémsi válci. Stavbě vévodí 55 metrů vysoká štíhlá věž se zvony. Zajímavé je, že stavba kostela byla financována pouze z darů. Autorem návrhu je architekt Jaroslav Čermák.
Beautiful monumental functionalist church building from 1942 stands on a rocky ground on a kind of cylinder. The building is dominated by a 55 meter high slender tower with bells. Interestingly, the construction of the church was financed solely by donations. The author of the design was architect Jaroslav Čermák.
Tomáš Münzberger on Google

Krásný kostel se zajímavou historií. Kněz Lohelius ale vede kázání klidně i s nekorektními narážkami např. ohledně rasy (podle wikipedie je tím nejspíš obecně znám). Pokud nechcete mít zkaženou neděli, raději se vydejte k svatému Václavu na Anděl či do Baziliky sv. Markéty na Břevnov. Je smutné, že jedinému košířskému kostelu vládne nenávistná rétorika.
Beautiful church with an interesting history. However, the priest Lohelius leads the sermon calmly even with incorrect allusions, for example about race (according to wikipedia, it is probably generally known). If you do not want to have a spoiled Sunday, you better go to St. Wenceslas for the Angel or the Basilica of St. Markéta on Břevnov. It is sad that the only church in Koshy is ruled by hateful rhetoric.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Košíře spadaly farně nejprve k Liboci, od roku 1868 k farnímu kostelu Nejsvětější Trojice u Malostranského hřbitova na Smíchově. Od 20. let 20. století prudce stoupal počet místních obyvatel a smíchovský kostel už nedostačoval (a navíc byl poměrně daleko). V roce 1928 byl založen Kostelní spolek v Košířích, jehož cílem bylo zbudování nového chrámu. Funkcionalistická stavba košířského kostela probíhala až za okupace od roku 1940, slavnostní vysvěcení proběhlo 17. května 1942. Autorem projektu byl architekt Jaroslav Čermák. Košíře district first fell to Liboc church, from 1868 to the parish church of the Holy Trinity by the Lesser Town Cemetery in Smíchov. From the 1920s onwards, the number of local inhabitants increased sharply and the church in Smíchov was no longer sufficient (and it was also quite far away). In 1928, the Church Association in Košíře was founded, the aim of which was to build a new church. The functionalist construction of the Košíře church took place only during the occupation from 1940, the solemn consecration took place on May 17, 1942. The author of the project was the architect Jaroslav Čermák.
Košíře first fell to Liboc, from 1868 to the parish church of the Holy Trinity near the Lesser Town Cemetery in Smíchov. From the 1920s onwards, the number of local inhabitants increased sharply and the church in Smíchov was no longer sufficient (and it was also quite far away). In 1928, the Church Association in Košíře was founded, the aim of which was to build a new church. The functionalist construction of the Košíř church took place only during the occupation from 1940, the solemn consecration took place on May 17, 1942. The author of the project was the architect Jaroslav Čermák. Košíře district first fell to Liboc church, from 1868 to the parish church of the Holy Trinity by the Lesser Town Cemetery in Smíchov. From the 1920s onwards, the number of local inhabitants increased sharply and the church in Smíchov was no longer sufficient (and it was also quite far away). In 1928, the Church Association in Košíře was founded, the aim of which was to build a new church. The functionalist construction of the Košíře church took place only during the occupation from 1940, the solemn consecration took place on May 17, 1942. The author of the project was the architect Jaroslav Čermák.
Jiri Randa on Google

Vlastní kostel získaly Košíře až ve 20. století, Kostelní spolek Košíře koupil vhodný pozemek v roce 1938. Stavělo se v létech 38 až 42 podle návrhu Jaroslava Čermáka. Válka způsobila zdržení, definitivně bylo hotovo na konci 80. let... Budova je přísně geometrická s věží o výšce 50 m. Reliéf nad oltářem vytvořil sochař Jindřich Wielgus, vitráže navrhl Josef Liesler.
The church was acquired by Košíře only in the 20th century, the Church Association of Košíře bought a suitable land in 1938. It was built between 38 and 42 according to a design by Jaroslav Čermák. The war caused a delay, it was definitely finished at the end of the 1980s ... The building is strictly geometric with a tower of 50 m.
Radek Št'astný on Google

Kostel byl dostaven za 2. světové války. Zvony přidali až po sametové revoluci.Ještě v 80. letech byla omítka kostela plná stop po kulkách,údajně od letadel.Díry jsem viděl, ale historka je od babičky.
The church was completed during World War II. They added the bells only after the Velvet Revolution. Even in the 1980s, the plaster of the church was full of bullet marks, allegedly from planes. I saw the holes, but the story is from my grandmother.
Pavel Vinkler on Google

Kostel vypadá opravdu hrozně, dostaven za komunistů, spíš to vypadá jako pec s komínem. ? Dominanta Košíř, která však není moc zavidihodna.
The church looks really awful, built under the communists, it looks more like a furnace with a chimney. ? Dominant Košíř, which is not very enviable.
Marian Rusnak on Google

sadly quite ugly building
Marta Czarnecka on Google

Very good mass

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