Zámek Jince

2.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Zámek Jince

Address :

Slavíkova 1, 262 23 Jince, Czechia

Categories :
City : Jince

Slavíkova 1, 262 23 Jince, Czechia
Petr RIESZ on Google

Je to ruina a ostuda. Divím se, že to majiteli ještě nespadl na hlavu.
It's ruin and shame. I'm surprised it hasn't fallen on the owner's head yet.
Petr Boštík on Google

Nepřístupné, chátrající. Údajně v soukromém vlastnictví a majitel neprojevuje zájem o prodej ani o opravu. Škoda , protože budova by mohla nadělat hodně parády.
Inaccessible, dilapidated. Reportedly privately owned and the owner is not interested in selling or repairing. Too bad, because the building could make a lot of fun.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

K trvalému osídlení Jinecka dochází ve 12. a 13. století. Střídali se zde drobní vladykové, kteří tu postupně vybudovali statek nevelkého významu. První písemná zmínka o Jincích pochází ze 14. století, kdy zde stávala na místě dnešního zámku, dřevěná tvrz a opodál farní kostel. Před koncem 14. století je doložena existence královského dvora. Zámek vznikl přestavbou starší tvrze v polovině 18. století. Jedná se o trojkřídlou patrovou budovu, střední trakt je o patro vyšší než obě křídla. Ve století následujícím byl přestavěn na pivovar a kaple sv. Josefa byla zcela zrušena. Zámek je dnes v soukromém vlastnictví, je ale bohužel v dosti zuboženém stavu. The permanent settlement of Jinecko takes place in the 12th and 13th centuries. There were small rulers, who gradually built a small estate here. The first written mention of the Jince dates back to the 14th century, when a wooden fortress stood on the site of today's castle, with a parish church nearby. Before the end of the 14th century the existence of a royal court was documented. The chateau was rebuilt by an older fortress in the middle of the 18th century. It is a three-winged storeyed building, the middle wing is one floor higher than both side wings. In the following century it was rebuilt into a brewery and the Chapel of St. Joseph was completely abolished. The chateau is now privately owned, but unfortunately it is in a really poor state.
The permanent settlement of Jinecko takes place in the 12th and 13th centuries. There were small rulers, who gradually built a small estate here. The first written mention of the Jinca dates back to the 14th century, when there stood on the site of today's castle, a wooden fortress and a parish church nearby. Before the end of the 14th century the existence of a royal court was documented. The chateau was rebuilt by an older fortress in the middle of the 18th century. It is a three-winged storeyed building, the middle wing is one floor higher than both wings. In the following century it was rebuilt into a brewery and the Chapel of St. Joseph was completely abolished. The chateau is now privately owned, but unfortunately it is in a rather bad condition. The permanent settlement of Jinecko takes place in the 12th and 13th centuries. There were small rulers, who gradually built a small estate here. The first written mention of Jince dates back to the 14th century, when a wooden fortress stood on the site of today's castle, with a parish church nearby. Before the end of the 14th century the existence of the Royal Court was documented. The chateau was rebuilt by an older fortress in the middle of the 18th century. It is a three-winged storeyed building, the middle wing is one floor higher than both side wings. In the following century it was rebuilt into a brewery and the Chapel of St. Joseph was completely abolished. The chateau is now privately owned, but unfortunately it is in a really poor state.
Petr Koldovský on Google

Barokní zámek Jince byl postaven na místě bývalé tvrze v 1. polovině 18. století. V polovině 19. století byl u zámku zřízen pivovar. V současnosti je zámek zchátralý a uzavřený.
The Baroque Jince chateau was built on the site of a former fortress in the first half of the 18th century. In the middle of the 19th century, a brewery was established near the chateau. At present, the castle is dilapidated and closed.

Tak to je katastrofa zámek uprostřed mohl být ozdobou ale místo toho je černou tečkou tohoto místa komu to patří? Je to více jak smutné ale nestojí to ani za foto jinak tento kraj má své kouzlo. Pan majitel potažmo vlastník je barbar nebo nenasyta stydět se je málo asi žije v v nějaké pastoušce nebo na skládce nebezpečných odpadů. ???
So it is a disaster the castle in the middle could be an adornment but instead is the black dot of this place to whom it belongs? It is more than sad but it is not worth the photo otherwise this region has its charm. Mr. owner or owner is a barbarian or unsatisfied ashamed is little about living in some shepherd's or landfill hazardous waste. ???
Jan Tumpach on Google

Zámek vznikl rozsáhlou úpravou původní tvrze v 1. polovině 18. století ve stylu pozdního baroka. Z té doby pochází také kaple sv. Josefa. Počátkem 19. století přestal být panským sídlem, po polovině 19. století zde byl zřízen pivovar.
The castle was created by extensive alterations to the original fortress in the first half of the 18th century in the late Baroque style. The chapel of St. Josefa. At the beginning of the 19th century it ceased to be a manor house, after the middle of the 19th century a brewery was established here.
Miloslav Pittner on Google

Je to škoda v centru obce býval by to krásný zámek, ale v současné době v úděsném stavu- ruina snad ji někdo dokáže zachránit, byla by škoda, kdyby spadl.
It is a pity in the center of the village would have been a beautiful mansion, but at present in a terrible state - perhaps someone can save it, it would be a pity if it fell.
Jakub Petr on Google

Tato recenze je jen pro ty co mají rádi nebezpečí a adrenalin. Co se týče zámku jako kulturní památky tak nečekejte žádné prohlídky nebo něco podobného. Zámek působí spíš jako rujna. Zvenčí je opravdu nic moc jak můžete vidět na fotkách a pokud nejste odvážní tak se opravdu dovnitř nedostanete. Říká se tomu urbex a je to prohledávání opuštěných starých budov a uvnitř je to opravdu zajímavé a také nebezpečné. Je tam toho spousta k vidění a je to zážitek na celý život. Ale nerad bych vás připravil o překvapení :) Pro více info mi napište na instagram _jakub_petr
This review is only for those who like danger and adrenaline. As for the castle as a cultural monument, do not expect any tours or something similar. The castle looks more like a ruffle. From the outside, there is nothing really as you can see in the photos and if you are not brave you will not really get in. It's called urbex and it's a search of abandoned old buildings and it's really interesting and dangerous inside. There's plenty to see and it's a lifetime experience. But I wouldn't like to prepare you for a surprise :) For more info write me on instagram _jakub_petr

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