Žďánská Vladimíra MUDr.

2.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Žďánská Vladimíra MUDr.

Address :

Masarykova 699/9, 460 01 Liberec, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +88
Categories :
City : Liberec

Masarykova 699/9, 460 01 Liberec, Czechia
Jitka Slukova on Google

David Štrympl on Google

Emi Hladká on Google

tomas koffer on Google

Paul T on Google

Pul roku se nejde dovolat na objednání . Hlavně ze posílají sms,že jsme se neobjednali. To tam jsou hluší.
Pul year can not be called for order. Especially they send sms that we did not disagree. That's deaf.
Vladislav Kiršner on Google

Doktorka v pořádku, sestřička ujde... Ale čekací doba i přes objednání na přesdržku... Orientační prej. ??
The doctor is fine, the nurse is leaving ... But the waiting time, despite ordering an extra, is ... Orientation. ??
Denisa Václavíková on Google

Tak tato zkušenost je strašná po době objednání tu čekáte další hodinou po hodině čekání v čekárně sestra bere jiné pacienty co přišli až po vás a ještě čekáte 30 minut než lékařka napíše zprávu no otřesné 100% nedoporučuji
So this experience is terrible after the time of ordering, you wait here another hour after the hour of waiting in the waiting room, the nurse takes other patients who came after you and you still wait 30 minutes before the doctor writes a message, but appalling 100% I do not recommend
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Krásná reprezentativní budova obchodní a živnostenské komory se nachází na křižovatce Masarykovy a Vítězné ulice. V letech 1899–1900 ji podle projektu Franze Brantzkyho a Martina Remgese z Kolína nad Rýnem realizovali stavitelé Gustav a Ferdinand Mikschové. Třípodlažní objekt byl zbudovaný na půdorysu široce otevřeného písmene U. Pro důležitá zasedání byla určena reprezentativní zasedací síň, přístupná honosným schodištěm. Její slavnostní vzhled podtrhovaly obkládané zdobené stěny s bohatě vyřezávanými dřevěnými portály a štukovým stropem. The beautiful representative building of the business and trade chamber is located at the crossroads of Masaryk and Vítězná street. Between 1899 and 1900, architects Franz Brantzky and Martin Remges from Cologne built it with the technical help of builders Gustav and Ferdinand Miksch. The three-storey building was built on the ground plan of a wide-open letter U. For important sessions, a representative meeting hall was set up, accessible by a gorgeous staircase. It´s festive appearance was highlighted by lined decorated walls with richly carved wooden portals and a stucco ceiling.
The beautiful representative building of the Chamber of Commerce and Trade is located at the intersection of Masarykova and Vítězné streets. In the years 1899–1900, it was built by the builders Gustav and Ferdinand Miksch according to the project of Franz Brantzky and Martin Remges from Cologne. The three-storey building was built on the floor plan of a wide-open letter U. A representative meeting hall, accessible by a magnificent staircase, was designated for important meetings. Its festive appearance was underlined by tiled ornate walls with richly carved wooden portals and a stucco ceiling. The beautiful representative building of the business and trade chamber is located at the crossroads of Masaryk and Vítězná street. Between 1899 and 1900, architects Franz Brantzky and Martin Remges from Cologne built it with the technical help of builders Gustav and Ferdinand Miksch. The three-storey building was built on the ground plan of a wide-open letter U. For important sessions, a representative meeting hall was set up, accessible by a gorgeous staircase. It´s festive appearance was highlighted by lined decorated walls with richly carved wooden portals and a stucco ceiling.

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