Židovský hřbitov Rabí

4.6/5 based on 5 reviews

Contact Židovský hřbitov Rabí

Address :

Rabí 78, 342 01 Rabí, Czechia

Categories :
City : Rabí

Rabí 78, 342 01 Rabí, Czechia
Jaromir Tauchen on Google

Jaroslav Červinka on Google

Igor Homolka on Google

Krásně náhrobky ponechané v prostoru a času
Beautiful tombstones left in space and time
Josef Černý on Google

Doporučuji navštívit ? Zajímavý přídavek k prohlídce hradu Rabí Pěkný pohled na hrad i okolí
I recommend to visit ? An interesting addition to a tour of Rabi Castle Nice view of the castle and its surroundings
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Židovský hřbitov v Rabí byl založen před rokem 1724, tedy v období, kdy se tu začala usazovat židovská komunita. Obsahuje prosté náhrobky barokního a klasicistního typu, čitelné od první třetiny 18. století. Na poměrně malém hřbitově ohraničeném kamennou zídkou z lomového kamene (ta se připojuje k vnější hradební zdi hradu) se dochovalo přibližně 120 náhrobků, převážně z místního bílého vápence. Mezi nimi vyniká bohatě zdobený náhrobek Jicchaka Solomona s rokem 1728. Poslední pohřeb se tu konal v roce 1901. Vstupní portál je označen letopočtem 1883. The Jewish cemetery in Rabí was founded before 1724, when the Jewish community settled in here. It contains simple Baroque and Classicist tombstones, readable from the first third of the 18th century. Approximately 120 tombstones, mostly from local white limestone, have been preserved on a relatively small cemetery surrounded by a stone wall made of quarry stone (which joins the outer castle wall). Among them is remarkable the richly decorated tombstone of Yitzhak Solomon with the year 1728. The last funeral took place here in 1901. The entrance portal is marked by the year 1883.
The Jewish cemetery in Rabí was founded before 1724, ie at a time when the Jewish community began to settle there. It contains simple tombstones of the Baroque and Classicist type, readable from the first third of the 18th century. Approximately 120 tombstones, mostly made of local white limestone, have been preserved on a relatively small cemetery bordered by a quarried stone wall (which joins the outer wall of the castle). Among them stands the richly decorated tomb of Jicchak Solomon with the year 1728. The last burial took place here in 1901. The entrance portal is marked with the year 1883. The Jewish cemetery in Rabí was founded before 1724, when the Jewish community settled in here. It contains simple Baroque and Classicist tombstones, readable from the first third of the 18th century. Approximately 120 tombstones, mostly from local white limestone, have been preserved on a relatively small cemetery surrounded by a stone wall made of quarry stone (which joins the outer castle wall). Among them is remarkable the richly decorated tombstone of Yitzhak Solomon with the year 1728. The last funeral took place here in 1901. The entrance portal is marked by the year 1883.

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