Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague - nám. J. Palacha 80/3

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Contact Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague

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nám. J. Palacha 80/3, 116 93 Staré Město, Czechia

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City : Staré Město

nám. J. Palacha 80/3, 116 93 Staré Město, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Novorenesanční trojkřídlá školní budova z let 1882-1885 pochází z pera architektů Františka Schmoranze mladšího a Jana Machytky. Zpráva o nejstarší zástavbě místa Na Rejdišti pochází z roku 1414. Novostavba tu začala vznikat v roce 1882. František Schmoranz mladší se stal o tři roky později prvnímředitelem Uměleckoprůmyslové školy. Stavba poměrně záhy přestala vyhovovat moderním požadavkům výchovy, proto začal od roku 1921 usilovat profesor školy Pavel Janák o vybudování ateliérů v půdních prostorech objektu podle vlastního návrhu, který poté prošel řadou změn. Dnešní úprava střechy je výsledkem projektu A. Beneše z roku 1950. Pamětní deska architekta Jana Kotěry, osazená na hlavním průčelí, pochází z roku 1924. The neo-renaissance three-winged school building from 1882-1885 comes from architects František Schmoranz junior and Jan Machytka. The report on the oldest site called "Na Rejdišťi" comes from 1414. The new school building started here in 1882. František Schmoranz Jr. became the first director of the School of Applied Arts three years later. The construction soon ceased to meet the modern educational needs and therefore (since 1921) Pavel Janák, the professor of the school, has been trying to build studios in the attic spaces of the building according to his own proposal, which has undergone a number of changes. Today's roof modification is the result of the A. Beneš Project from 1950. The memorial plaque of the famous architect Jan Kotěra, located on the main façade, dates back to 1924.
The neo-renaissance three-wing school building from 1882-1885 comes from the architects of František Schmoranz Jr. and Jan Machytka. The report on the oldest development of Na Rejdišti dates from 1414. The new building began to be built here in 1882. František Schmoranz Jr. became the first director of the School of Applied Arts three years later. The building soon ceased to meet the modern requirements of education, so from 1921 the school professor Pavel Janák began to strive to build studios in the attic of the building according to his own design, which then underwent a number of changes. Today's modification of the roof is the result of a project by A. Beneš from 1950. The memorial plaque of the architect Jan Kotěra, mounted on the main facade, dates from 1924. The neo-renaissance three-winged school building from 1882-1885 comes from architects František Schmoranz junior and Jan Machytka. The report on the oldest site called "Na Rejdišťi" comes from 1414. The new school building started here in 1882. František Schmoranz Jr. became the first director of the School of Applied Arts three years later. The construction soon ceased to meet the modern educational needs and therefore (since 1921) Pavel Janák, the professor of the school, has been trying to build studios in the attic spaces of the building according to his own proposal, which has undergone a number of changes. Today's roof modification is the result of the A. Beneš Project from 1950. The memorial plaque of the famous architect Jan Kotěra, located on the main façade, dates back to 1924.
Michal Zdeněk Zachar (PEI) on Google

Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová v Praze (VŠUP v Praze, neofic. často též pouze VŠUP, často také UMPRUM) je veřejná vysoká škola se studijními obory malby, ilustrace a grafiky, architektury, oděvního, produktového i grafického designu, fotografie, keramiky a porcelánu.
The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (AAAD in Prague, often also just AAAD, often UMPRUM) is a public university with the fields of painting, illustration and graphics, architecture, clothing, product and graphic design, photography, ceramics and porcelain.
Karkůlka Červená on Google

Budova nabytá dílnami provozující velkou škálu řemesel od tradičních po současná, v poněkud tísnivé architektuře vhodné spíš pro nápravná zařízení.
The building is acquired by workshops operating a wide range of crafts from traditional to contemporary, in a somewhat cramped architecture more suitable for correctional facilities.
Fredi V on Google

Artists in the making
Petr Hajicek on Google

The best Arts school ever!
Adrian Soriano on Google

Very nice to see
Tom Jirinec on Google

This school is amazing if you're into design and art. It even features exhibitions and other events at times that are wonderful to attend.
Ralf-Peter Schwarz on Google

Amazing place to rest or to visit. I really love the atmosphere at that place. I spent a lot of time also eight years ago and now, and nothing changed of that charme.

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