Barefoot Brno

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Barefoot Brno

Address :

Pražákova 1008/69, 639 00 Brno-střed-Štýřice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +799
Website :
Categories :
City : Brno střed Štýřice

Pražákova 1008/69, 639 00 Brno-střed-Štýřice, Czechia
Eliska Kryslova on Google

Asi dobrý obchůdek, pokud prodavačky prodávají. OBĚ DVĚ byly natolik zaměstnány příjmem nového zboží, že je nějaký zákazník nezajímal. Přišly jsme sem s tím, že si koupíme troje boty. Místo pomoci, rad a obsluhy jsme si samy zkoušely dostupné boty, na otázky nám sice bylo zodpovezeno, ale ani jsme si nemohly zkusit různé povrchy či dostat detailní informace od někoho, kdo ty boty zna a ví, zda jsou pro naše potřeby vhodné. Navíc jsme s kočárkem hrozně překážely, protože nové zboží má přednost. Už nemáme chuť se sem vracet a zjišťovat, zda jsou prodavačky normálně příjemné a nápomocné, ač tomu pravděpodobně tak bude. Škoda.
Probably a good shop if the saleswomen sell. BOTH THE TWO were so busy receiving new goods that they were not interested in any customer. We came here to buy three shoes. Instead of help, advice and service, we tried the available shoes ourselves, although our questions were answered, but we couldn't even try different surfaces or get detailed information from someone who knows the shoes and knows if they are suitable for our needs. In addition, we pushed the stroller terribly, because new goods take precedence. We no longer feel like coming back here to see if the saleswomen are normally nice and helpful, though they probably will. Damage.
Marek Vlček on Google

I haven't been there
Rozárka Simona Jílková on Google

Very nice place with kind sellers. They know their shoes and they know how to help.
Björn Mårtensson on Google

Good assortment of minimalist shoes and friendly staff that seemed knowledgeable.
BL S on Google

Great store and helpful staff!
Tom Kubina on Google

Great choice of barefoot shoes and brands. I would expect better advices by salesman.
Stephane Daeuble on Google

Large selection of barefoot shoes and brands, very good advice and friendly staff! I recommend fully and will come back.
Zisuen Tajoshi on Google

A great selection of barefoot shoes. But if you want some, get online and reserve them first. Otherwise you might not be able to get them. Lots of people are getting on the Barefoot trend ;)

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