Bedřichova vyhlídka - Bedřichova vyhlídka

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Contact Bedřichova vyhlídka

Address :

280 02 Nová Ves I, Czechia

Postal code : 280
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City : Nová Ves I

280 02 Nová Ves I, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Vrch Bedřichov (kdysi Novoveský vrch) s nadmořskou výškou 279 metrů leží asi 1 km jihozápadně od obce Nová Ves I, převážně na jejím katastrálním území. Vyhlídka je umístěna na historicky významném místě Polabí, v místech, kde 18. června 1757 probíhala Bitva u Kolína - důležitá bitva Sedmileté války. Na bitevním poli se střetla vojska pruského krále Fridricha II. s rakouskou armádou polního maršála Leopolda Dauna, posílenou o saské jezdecké pluky. Zpočátku nerozhodná bitva skončila vítězstvím početně silnější rakouské armády. Její výsledek přiměl pruskou armádu ukončit obléhání Prahy a měl rozhodující vliv na další průběh sedmileté války. The Bedřichov Hill (formerly Novoveský vrch) with an altitude of 279 metres lies about 1 km southwest of the village of Nová Ves I, mostly in its cadastral territory. The viewpoint is located on a historically significant place in the Polabí region, in the place where the Battle of Kolín - an important battle of the Seven Years' War - took place on 18 June 1757. On the battlefield, the troops of King Frederick II of Prussia clashed with the Austrian army of Field Marshal Leopold Daun, reinforced by Saxon cavalry regiments. Initially indecisive, the battle ended with the victory of the numerically stronger Austrian army. The result forced the Prussian army to end the siege of Prague and had a decisive influence on the future course of the Seven Years' War.
Bedřichov Hill (formerly Novoveský vrch) with an altitude of 279 meters lies about 1 km southwest of the village of Nová Ves I, mainly in its cadastral area. The lookout point is located in a historically significant place in the Elbe, in the places where the Battle of Kolín took place on June 18, 1757 - an important battle of the Seven Years' War. The troops of the Prussian King Frederick II clashed on the battlefield. with the Austrian army of Field Marshal Leopold Dauna, reinforced by Saxon cavalry regiments. Initially, the indecisive battle ended in victory for the numerically stronger Austrian army. Its result forced the Prussian army to end the siege of Prague and had a decisive influence on the further course of the Seven Years' War. The Bedřichov Hill (formerly Novoveský vrch) with an altitude of 279 meters lies about 1 km southwest of the village of Nová Ves I, mostly in its cadastral territory. The viewpoint is located on a historically significant place in the Polabí region, in the place where the Battle of Kolín - an important battle of the Seven Years' War - took place on 18 June 1757. On the battlefield, the troops of King Frederick II of Prussia clashed with the Austrian army of Field Marshal Leopold Daun, reinforced by Saxon cavalry regiments. Initially indecisive, the battle ended with the victory of the numerically stronger Austrian army. The result forced the Prussian army to end the siege of Prague and had a decisive influence on the future course of the Seven Years' War.
Oleg Gutovski on Google

one of those places where you feel small in the big world
Angelacaby Zhong on Google

Superb scene
Jan Herza on Google

Must see place. Nice place to manage battle.
Jan Novák on Google

Very nice place to go for a trip, the road to it is a bit stupid, but otherwise pretty good place
Jan Toman on Google

Memorable war place. Fridrich the Great command post during Battle at Kolin.
Tomas Fer on Google

Nice viewpoint above Kolin. Reachable by bike. Nice path to Vitezov, small old quarries, romantic.
Stefan Varga on Google

Nice view. The stairs are a bit scary.

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