4.5/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Soukenická 1088/10, 110 00 Nové Město, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +79999
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Categories :
City : Nové Město

Soukenická 1088/10, 110 00 Nové Město, Czechia
Vanilka Vanilková on Google

Velice příjemný obchod v centru Prahy - kousek od Palladia. Mají otevřeno i sobotu a neděli do 20h. Chodím ráda, velmi milý personál. A navíc ceny jsou zde oproti konkurenci hodně levné. PS: paní tady píše o negativní zkušenosti. Ale obchod je nejvíce pro kadeřníky (nebo pro ty co jim kadeřnice poradila :-) ) , které ví co a jak, proto asi obsluha nechce "poučovat" co se má a nemá koupit, protože to kadeřníci vědí.
Very nice shop in the center of Prague - close to Palladium. They are also open on Saturdays and Sundays until 8 p.m. I like to walk, very nice staff. In addition, the prices here are very cheap compared to the competition. PS: Ms. writes here about negative experiences. But the shop is mostly for hairdressers (or for those who were advised by the hairdresser :-)), who know what and how, so the staff probably does not want to "teach" what to buy and not to buy, because the hairdressers know it.
Michaela Kullová on Google

Nerada uděluji negativné recenze, avšak musím říct, že jsem z návštěvy prodejny byla zklamaná a to díky velmi neochotné obsluze. Přišla jsem s tím, že bych si ráda nechala poradit ohledně výběru přelivu na vlasy a bylo mi pouze řečeno, že je jedno co si vyberu. Při otázce jestli mohu vidět vzorníky mi paní pouze ukázala do rohu, a že nemají všechny. Paní neměla absolutí snahu se mi věnovat a ani se zvednout ze židle. Měli ve výběru stejnou barvu ale v rozdílném obalu od stejné značky, a tak jsem se pouze zeptala, jestli je v nich nějaký rozdíl, a otrávnemě mi pouze sdělila, že jedna je stará a ta druhá nová. Nejsem profi kadeřnice, ale vím že k barvě je potřeba ještě peroxid, a tak bych čekala, že se mě paní zeptá a ujistí se, že ho doma třeba mám. Odešla jsem otrávaná s barvou místo přelivu, no nevadi. Kupovala jsem i další vlasové produkty, takže očividně bych je do své malé kabelky nenacpala, ale o tašku jsem musela poprosit sama, samozřejmě vím, že se za tašku platí zvášť, ale měla by být snad nabídnuta automaticky. Produkty jsou fakt dobré kvality, tak bych se nebála si tady ještě něco koupit. Je zde velky výběr všeho co můžete potřebovat.Byť je obchůdek malý, je přehledný s pestrou škálou značek.
I do not like to give negative reviews, but I must say that I was disappointed with the visit to the store due to the very reluctant service. I came up with the idea that I would like advice on choosing a hair lotion and I was only told that it didn't matter what I chose. When asked if I can see the swatches, the lady just showed me the corner and they don't have them all. The lady had no absolute effort to attend to me or get up from her chair. They had the same color in the selection but in a different package from the same brand, so I just asked if there was any difference in them, and annoyingly she just told me that one was old and the other new. I'm not a professional hairdresser, but I know that peroxide is needed for the color, so I would expect the lady to ask me and make sure I have it at home. I left poisoned with paint instead of overflow, but it doesn't matter. I also bought other hair products, so obviously I wouldn't stuff them in my little purse, but I had to ask for the bag myself, of course I know that the bag is paid separately, but it should be offered automatically. The products are really good quality, so I wouldn't be afraid to buy anything here. There is a large selection of everything you may need. Although the shop is small, it is clear with a wide range of brands.
Kevin Lange on Google

Super ?
Denis Cordunianu on Google

good prices, smiling faces which in this country you rarerly see :)
Yuliia Pashentseva on Google

Wide selection of haircare cosmetics for fair prices
Judit M on Google

I purchased on website, paid by card on the gateway from the site. For a while there has been no update on my order, so I have asked for a status. They have told me, that it was not yet paid, so I provided the payment gateway confirmation. Later I got the information that it was matched to order, but 2 days later they informed me that its still not paid and send prove from bank, after providing this details, it seems they have acknowledged the payment. Sofar waiting for the delivery, hope its just one time bad luck.
Courtney Miller on Google

Don’t shop here. Awful customer service. I went in to exchange an item with a receipt, whose sprayer was defective, and they denied me rather than simply just swap it. Dry shampoo had about 8 uses and then stopped. Ugh.
Kit Kat on Google

Save yourself time and do not go to that shop. I am quite surprised this shop has 5 star reviews. I needed some hair dye and thought it would be easier to go pick it up myself rather than wait for delivery. The salesperson almost bit my head off when I asked whether a particular product was in stock ( it seemed like they had it online, but couldn't find any at the store). I don't like confrontation so I let it slide by. Probably, that person was under the impression that I was window shopping because their attitude changed completely once I was at the counter because obviously, I was spending money. Yet another shop in Prague where the staff is racist. I can assure you that the tone was not the same when a white lady asked for help. I will order from Notino next time. At least, there, the staff is always pleasant and helpful. My response to your message: Thank you for your response. I do not understand what my mask has to do with me misunderstanding. I was not upset about the items being out of stock. It happens. I was upset that it felt like I was bothering the salesperson when I asked a question. The attitude was completely different with a lady who came while I was leaving. I hope your staff does better with other customers.

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