BohemiaDent s.r.o.

5/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact BohemiaDent s.r.o.

Address :

Doudova 652/10, 140 00 Praha 4-Podolí, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7888
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha 4 Podolí

Doudova 652/10, 140 00 Praha 4-Podolí, Czechia
Marek Javůrek on Google

Valentin Filimonov on Google

O S on Google

Radek Kollarovits on Google

Profesionální a zkušený stomatolog s velmi vstřícným a pečlivým postojem k pacientům. Pan doktor Mykolaichuk vždy ochotně vysvětlí o jaký problém se jedná a jaké jsou možnosti vhodného zákroku. Je perfekcionista, takže vás nenechá odejít dokud není výsledek práce skvělý. Dříve jsem k zubaři chodil nerad s obavou co mi najde a jak to bude bolet. Od doby co jsem u pana Mykolaichuka vím, že mám profesionální péči a není čeho se obávat, protože jsem v dobrých rukou u odborníka  s bohatými zkušenostmi, který aplikuje moderní metody a využívá nejnovější technologie.
Professional and experienced dentist with a very helpful and careful attitude to patients. Dr. Mykolaichuk is always willing to explain what the problem is and what are the options for appropriate intervention. He is a perfectionist, so he will not let you leave until the result of the work is great. I used to go to the dentist before, worried about what he would find and how it would hurt. Since I have been with Mr. Mykolaichuk, I know that I have professional care and there is nothing to worry about because I am in good hands with an expert with extensive experience who applies modern methods and uses the latest technology.
Andrea Vokurková on Google

Pan doktor Oleksandr Mykolaichuk ma zlate ruce! Dostala jsem se k nemu nahodou v lednu roku 2019, kdy me vzal o vikendu v ramci pohotovosti s obrovskym otokem v obliceji. Ihned me odeslal na oblicejovou a celistni chirurgii a zachranil mi doslova zivot! Ihned po operaci jsem se k nemu prehlasila a od te doby na nej nedam dopustit. Opravil mi vsechno, co stomatologove pred nim zanedbali ci neprofesionalne osetrili. Panu doktorovi patri me obrovske diky!!
Dr. Oleksandr Mykolaichuk has golden hands! I got to him by accident in January 2019, when he took me on a weekend in the emergency room with a huge swelling in his face. He immediately sent me for facial and holistic surgery and literally saved my life! Immediately after the operation, I reported to him and since then I will not allow it. He corrected me everything that the dentists before him neglected or treated unprofessionally. Thank you very much to the doctor !!

Oleksandr Mykolaichuk, nádherný doktor!!!?
Anna M on Google

Great service, amazing approach, outstanding team and Oleksandr Mykolaichuk is The Doctor, with hands and heart made of gold! Nesnasim zubare, ale tento doktor je vyjmecny! Je sikovny, starostlivy a uplne jednicka!

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