Bohemian Switzerland National Park Service

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Správa Národního parku České Švýcarsko v letošním roce vyhlásila hned několik soutěží pro veřejnost, a to vědomostní, výtvarnou, ale nově i vlastivědnou hru při příležitosti oslav 50. výročí od založení CHKO Labské pískovce.

Contact Bohemian Switzerland National Park Service

Address :

Hřensko 89, 407 17 Hřensko, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +87
Website :
Categories :
City : Hřensko

Hřensko 89, 407 17 Hřensko, Czechia
Оля Бехлеванова on Google

Место как с обложки.. Столько эмоций, что тяжело передать моё полное восхищение от увиденного.. Это просто стоить увидеть своими глазами, и ощутить все самому. Побывать на высоте птичьего полёта, пройтись вдоль величественных скал как на самой высоте, так и под ними. Пройтись вдоль каньона, проплытся по каньону на лодке.. Передать все невозможно, и обойти все за день тоже. Но оно того стоит, чтобы возвращаться вновь и вновь туда!
A place like a cover .. So many emotions that it's hard to convey my complete admiration for what I saw .. It's just worth seeing with your own eyes, and feeling everything yourself. Visit the bird's-eye view, walk along the majestic cliffs both at the highest and below them. Walk along the canyon, swim along the canyon on a boat .. It is impossible to convey everything, and to go around everything in a day too. But it's worth it to come back there again and again!

Very nice nature
Merve EKENTOK on Google

Amazing hiking! Choose the fall season to go.
Alina Mosendz-Manser on Google

Totally fantastic, but take comfortable shoes it’s a looooong walk
Aaron Elgavi on Google

A beautiful and easy walk through nature. Suitable even with young children
Maya Zlodkov on Google

A stunning place, a must visit for anyone in Swiss Bohemia. Amazing and breathtaking tracks, some of which are tailor made for children.
Angus Bell Young on Google

You walk out here and as you each the opening in the track to this view your mouth drops and your heart skips a beat. This is straight out of a movie. In fact, you look closely at The Grand Budapest Hotel they get married in the snow out on the lookout. An extra photo tip: take a composite of images with a zoomed in lens or a prime. I shot this as a composite of about 6 - 8 stills and stitched them together in Lightroom. It means you have an extra huge detailed photo you can print later on.
Vinay Disley on Google

An awesome place to go hiking. A mixed bag of flat and elevation makes it very interesting. Boating in the gorges were closed except for one segment. Would recommend an overnight stay else it can be very hectic and tiring.

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