Bureš & partneři, s.r.o.

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bureš & partneři, s.r.o.

Vodičkova 791/41, 110 00 Nové Město, Czechia
Jan Maginec on Google

Se společností Ing. Bureše mám dlouhodobě pozitivní zkušenosti, kdy mi doporučili a sestavili individuální prvky finančního zabezpečení. V současné době mi asistovali při investici do nemovitosti a s přístupem pana ředitele Bureše i jeho kolegů jsem velmi spokojen. Mají přehled o trhu i o aktuálních trendech v oboru a jsou schopni zařídit všechny související administrativní i praktické záležitosti. Společnost Bureš & partneři můžu doporučit a těším se na budoucí spolupráci.
With the company Ing. Bureš has a long-term positive experience, when they recommended and compiled individual elements of financial security. Currently, they assisted me in investing in real estate and I am very satisfied with the approach of Director Bureš and his colleagues. They have an overview of the market and current trends in the field and are able to arrange all related administrative and practical matters. I can recommend Bureš & partners and look forward to future cooperation.
Tereza Dvořáčková on Google

Bureš & partneři s.r.o. je skvělá společnost s opravdovými profesionály, s kterými je vždy perfektní spolupráce a zároveň rychlá.
Bureš & partners s.r.o. is a great company with real professionals, with whom there is always perfect cooperation and fast at the same time.
Matúš Bohunický on Google

Bureš a partneri, pošpinili moje meno nevyplatili mi kauciu a prestali komunikovať. Najhoršia firma akú som kedy v živote stretol. Byt som odovzdal v stave ako bol predávaný aj tak mali drzosť mi poslať email s tým, že mám podpísať ukončenie zmluvy bez vyplatenia kaucie.
Bureš and my partners, they tarnished my name, they didn't pay me bail and they stopped communicating. The worst company I've ever met in my life. I handed over the apartment as it was sold, but they had the audacity to send me an email stating that I should sign the termination of the contract without paying a deposit.
Iva Caslavova on Google

Nad investicí do nemovitosti jsem uvažovala dlouho, ale po čase jsem nad ní zlomila hůl. Výběr správné lokality, bytu a najemníka bylo více složité, než jsem si myslela. Doslova mě to odradilo. Po zkušenosti s investičními profesionály na trhu nemovitostí však měním názor. Pokud chcete mít ve svém portfoliu nemovitosti, pak jedině s Burešovými. Od prvního kontaktu až po převzetí bytu do správy jsem byla obklopena týmem odborníků, kteří byli schopni velmi rychle zprocesovat výběr, financování a přípravu bytu až k samotnému pronájmu. To celé kompletně digitálně, bez jakéhokoliv fyzického navštívení kanceláře, což jakožto klient žijící v zahraničí velmi oceňuji. Taktéž financování s příjmy ze zahaniční se může jevit komplikovanější. Podpora, profesionalita a návrh alternativních řešení mě však přesvědčil o opaku. Jakožto klient jsem cítila společný zájem na realizaci mých cílů. Od té doby investiční služby od Bureš & Partneři doporučuji každému ve svém okolí, kdo se jen o záměru nákupu bytu zmíní. Protože čas jsou peníze. A já moc děkuji za špičkovou a excelentní spolupráci a už nyní se těším na další!
I thought about investing in real estate for a long time, but over time I broke my staff. Choosing the right location, apartment and tenant was more complicated than I thought. It literally discouraged me. However, after the experience with investment professionals in the real estate market, I change my mind. If you want to have real estate in your portfolio, then only with the Burešs. From the first contact until the apartment was taken over by the administration, I was surrounded by a team of experts who were able to process the selection, financing and preparation of the apartment for rent very quickly. All this completely digitally, without any physical visit to the office, which I appreciate as a client living abroad. Also, financing with income from abroad may seem more complicated. However, the support, professionalism and design of alternative solutions convinced me otherwise. As a client, I felt a common interest in realizing my goals. Since then, I recommend investment services from Bureš & Partners to everyone in my area who only mentions the intention to buy an apartment. Because time is money. And I thank you very much for the top and excellent cooperation and I'm already looking forward to the next one!
Tomas Golitko on Google

Společnost Bureš & partneři, s.r.o. je přesně ta společnost, kterou jsem hledal již delší dobu - dokážou sehnat svým klientům optimální nemovitost na investici, poté Vás postupně provedou celým procesem až k zajištění nájemníka, včetně financování, revize smluv a dalších věcí, nad kterými bych jako lajk trávil spoustu času... A přístup ke klientovi? To se nedá popsat, to se musí zažít :-) V této společnosti skutečně pracují profesionálové, děkuji Vám za to!
The company Bureš & partneři, s.r.o. is exactly the company I have been looking for for a long time - they can find their clients an optimal property for investment, then they will gradually guide you through the process to securing a tenant, including financing, contract revision and other things I would spend a lot of time on. .. And approach to the client? It can't be described, it has to be experienced :-) Professionals really work in this company, thank you for that!
Özgür Akyay on Google

It was a great pleasure to work with bures a partneri. I strongly recommend them if you are looking for a solution for mortgage. I look forward to next journey.
David Froehlich on Google

Watch out Horrible scam, first I paid several thousand Euros as commission to them in order to secure the apartment for rent, which is fine. Then after 1 year I was kicked out because the Owner needed it for his daughter as she was going to study in Prague. Basically I got scammed by them. If they were only estate agents fair enough but they manage the property so they must have known. When it came to moving out they had no copy of the status when I moved in and claimed that floor damage in 2 spots in the kitchen was caused by me, so instead of fixing it, they refurbed the entire apartment floor without asking and presented me with the bill. Now 2 years later I am getting money back for overpaid heating etc. If you are a foreigner stay far away!!! As a response. Yes I was in the apartment for 1,5 years and I was informed within my first year of staying there that I had to leave, the last 6 months we negotiated by me. So you kept me in there because otherwise the place would have been empty. The 2k discount was on a 27k flat. I paid you more than 40.000 Korunas in order to be kicked out after 12 months and the you pretend to be nice by giving me a discount. There was not proof of damage by me, only that there was damage. The pictures you showed as proof were taken after I had left. There were no pictures from when I moved in. I know the last two tenants and the also confirmed that the floor damage had been there before. I made a calculation and decided against a lawyer as it was less than 1000 Euros But nice narrative you have there, I bet it helps you sleep at night
Wojciech Piotr Rogoziński on Google

Good communication with the agency (everyone speaks English). They are quite helpful in any case (even offer help dealing with foreign maters like getting permanent residence) and the apartment was as expected.

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