Car repair Štěrboholy - U Radiály 56

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Car repair Štěrboholy

Address :

U Radiály 56, 102 00 Praha-Štěrboholy, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777
Postal code : 102
Categories :
City : Praha Štěrboholy

U Radiály 56, 102 00 Praha-Štěrboholy, Czechia
Gustavo Gustík on Google

Takové napůl vrakoviště, napůl servis. Nevím, jestli bych si tam nechal opravit auto :-D. Ale možná to jsou předsudky.
Such half scrapyard, half servicing. I don't know if I would have my car repaired there :-D. But maybe they are prejudices.
KiterTMK on Google

Měl jsem utrhlou koncovku výfuku. Svarili to velmi hezky za dobrou cenu na počkání, a to ještě v neděli! Skvělí kluci, doporučuji!
My exhaust pipe was torn off. Welded it very nicely at a good price while you wait, even on Sunday! Great guys, I recommend!
Samuel Straka on Google

Objednal som sa dlho dopredu na konkretny datum a cas prezutia. Ked som prisiel, povedali mi ze o nicom nevedia a na ten cas uz maju niekoho ineho. Nulova ochota riesit situaciu. Tak som sa zbalil isiel prezut inde. Uz tam nikdy nepridem, radsej sa na nich nespoliehajte
I ordered long in advance for a specific date and time of transfer. When I arrived, they told me they didn't know anything and they already had someone else at the time. Zero willingness to solve the situation. So I packed up and went elsewhere. I'll never get there again, you better not rely on them
Josef Kolář on Google

Velice neochotní, špatná domluva po telefonu, termíny volné až za měsíc, neschopnost domluvit náhradní termín (při zakázce trvající max 15 minut)
Very reluctant, poor phone agreement, free dates per month, inability to make an appointment (max 15 minutes)
iiMPR3SSiiON on Google

Dobrý, lidský přístup. Pracují rychle a schopně. Telefonické objednání bez problémů. Když řeknou na počkání, je to na počkání.
Good, human approach. They work quickly and competently. Phone ordering without problems. When they say wait, it's wait.
Michal Nemcok on Google

Tento autoservis neodporúčam nikomu. Bol som objednaný na výmenu gúm 24. Marca na 18:30. Keď som dorazil, tak som videl dvoch pánov v aute pozliepanom z rôznych kusov (každý inej farby) ako sadaju do auta. Pozerám na nich a oni na mňa a pomyslím si, že asi další zákazník, co odchádza. Vojdem do otvorenej dielne vedľa a tam mi chlap vraví, že to nie u neho, ale vedľa som objednaný. Vedľa však nikto nie je. A v tom mi došlo, že tí chlapi vedľa boli z toho servisu, kde som bol objednaný. Napriek tomu, že videli že som prišiel a vedeli, že idem k nim (pri objednávke som nahlásil aj typ auta) sa mi pozreli do očí a vklude odišli. Napriek tomu, že servis ma byt otvorený do 20:00, oni si s chuťou odišli 18:30 a vykašlali sa na mňa. Zabil som viac ako hodinu svojho života a nič z toho len frustrácia. Prosím dávajte si pozor. Ešte dodám, že hneď som volal na ich telefón, ale nikto nedvíha...
I do not recommend this car service to anyone. I was ordered to change gums on March 24th at 18:30. When I arrived, I saw two gentlemen in a car stripped of different pieces (each of a different color) as they sit in the car. I look at them and they look at me and I think maybe another customer is leaving. I walk into an open workshop next door, and there the guy tells me it's not with him, but I'm ordered next door. But there is no one beside. And I realized that the guys next door were from the service where I was ordered. Although they saw that I had come and knew that I was going to them (when ordering I also reported the type of car), they looked into my eyes and walked away. Despite the fact that the service was supposed to be open until 20:00, they left with a taste of 18:30 and coughed at me. I killed more than an hour of my life and none of this was just frustration. Please be careful. I will add that I immediately called their phone, but no one is answering ...
Gabriela Kadlecová on Google

Otevírací doba avizovaná v Google maps neodpovídá realitě. Přestože mají o víkendu zavřeno, směle tvrdí, že mají otevřeno do osmi do večera. Neváží si času lidí a zbytečně se připravují o potenciální zákazníky. Snad to brzy upraví.
Opening hours announced in Google maps does not correspond to reality. Although closed at the weekend, they boldly say they are open until eight in the evening. They don't value people's time and are deprived of potential customers. Hopefully, it will soon be modified.
Pivoňka Michal on Google


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