Centrum Střešních Nosičů S.r.o.

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Centrum Střešních Nosičů S.r.o.

Address :

Švehlova 1391, 102 00 Praha 10-Hostivař, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +877
Website : http://www.nosicekol.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha Hostivař

Švehlova 1391, 102 00 Praha 10-Hostivař, Czechia
Davue Cerutti on Google

Není problém tu vypůjčit nosič na cokoliv. A na všechny auta až na vyjímky. Můžu doporučit.
It is not a problem to rent a carrier for anything here. And except for all cars. I can recommend.
Pavel Kutnohorsky on Google

Vynikajici pristup k zakaznikovi, ktery se dnes bezne nevidi. Tuto firmu mohu jen doporucit a vzdy se tam rad vratim
An excellent approach to customers who do not see each other today. I can only recommend this company and I am always happy to return
Vlado Gaspar on Google

Perfektní a profesionální zákaznícky přístup. Vše vyřešeno a vysvětleno rychle, včetně montáže na auto. Pokud někdo řeší střešní nosiče a pod, tak jendoznačně tady.
Perfect and professional customer approach. Everything solved and explained quickly, including mounting on the car. If someone is dealing with roof racks and the like, then clearly here.
Pavel Vaněk on Google

Skvělý přístup k zákazníkovi, nakupoval jsem vícekrát. Box, nosiče kol na kouli apod. Dobře poradí, vyzkoušíte instalaci na místě, rezervace zboží, vše funguje.
Great approach to the customer, I shopped multiple times. Box, ball carriers on a ball, etc. They will advise you well, you will try the installation on site, reservation of goods, everything works.
Georgino delSol on Google

Být to firma pana Záhoře, tak dám plný počet, je to borec!!! Vždy vše bylo jak jsme se domluvili a nebyl žádný problém. Ale musím konstatovat, že když tam je jeho kolega (Kučera), tak je jeho přístup přesně pravý opak pana Záhoře. Dohoda co byla s panem Záhořem najednou neplatí, protože kolega co má potřebu v první chvíli sdělovat, že on je tam majitel (dle ARESu 50%) a neví, jaká byla dohoda a že nebude kolegovi volat... Arogantní pitomce neuznávám... Panu Záhořovi děkuji za spolupráci, s Kučerou se doufám už nebudu muset potkat.
Being Mr. Záhor's company, I will give the full number, it's a fighter !!! Everything was always as we agreed and there was no problem. But I must state that when his colleague (Kučera) is there, then his approach is exactly the opposite of Mr. Záhor. The agreement that was with Mr. Záhoř suddenly does not apply, because a colleague who needs to say in the first moment that he is the owner (according to ARES 50%) and does not know what the agreement was and that he will not call a colleague ... I do not recognize arrogant idiots ... I thank Mr. Záhoř for his cooperation, I hope I won't have to meet Kučera anymore.
Brian Caves on Google

Daniel was helpful, honest and fast. We got exactly what we needed. We will come back
Jason Harley on Google

These guys are amazing. Superb advice, customer service and fitting. Daniel, helped at every stage .. recommend highly.
Jaromír Rys on Google

Perfect help, even in my very special case (panoramatic window) where is no official support. He found very good solution and discusses all the option. Even a good advices regarding other things and not aimed to sell the most expensive solution.

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