Český svaz ochránců přírody Vlašim

5/5 based on 8 reviews

About Český svaz ochránců přírody Vlašim

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Contact Český svaz ochránců přírody Vlašim

Address :

Pláteníkova 264, 258 01 Vlašim, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +789
Website : http://www.csopvlasim.cz/
Categories :
City : Vlašim

Pláteníkova 264, 258 01 Vlašim, Czechia
blanka krupková on Google

Martina Štraubová (Maty) on Google

Petra Sombergová on Google

úžasná organizace
amazing organization
Vasek Nejman on Google

Moc pekne a utulne
Very nice and cozy
Jan Bárta on Google

Pěkné prostředí, velký výběr suvenýrů.
Nice environment, large selection of souvenirs.
Jiří Guth on Google

Vlašim má holt štěstí. Takhle se má pěstovat vlastivěda v 21.století všude.
Vlašim is lucky. This is how homeland studies should be cultivated everywhere in the 21st century.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

ParaZOO vznikla v červnu roku 2012 v prostorách bývalé záchranné stanice - v Podblanickém ekocentru. Záchranná stanice byla vybudována na novém místě. Jsou zde chováni zástupci volně žijících živočichů České republiky (například vydra, rys, kuna, výři, krkavci a řada dalších), kteří byli přijati do Záchranné stanice, avšak pro trvalé následky zranění již nemohou být vypuštěni zpět do volné přírody. ParaZOO was established in June 2012 in the premises of the former rescue station - in the Podblanicko eco-center. The rescue station was then built in a new location. Representatives of the wildlife of the Czech Republic (such as otter, lynx, marten, ears, ravens and many others) who have been admitted to the Rescue Station are bred here, but can no longer be released back into the wild because of permanent injuries.
ParaZOO was established in June 2012 in the premises of the former rescue station - in the Podblanický ecocentre. The rescue station was built at a new location. Representatives of wildlife of the Czech Republic (such as otters, lynx, marten, otters, ravens and many others) are bred here, who have been admitted to the Rescue Station, but due to the permanent consequences of injuries can no longer be released back into the wild. ParaZOO was established in June 2012 in the premises of the former rescue station - in the Podblanicko eco-center. The rescue station was then built in a new location. Representatives of the wildlife of the Czech Republic (such as otter, lynx, marten, ears, ravens and many others) who have been admitted to the Rescue Station are bred here, but can no longer be released back into the wild because of permanent injuries .
Jana Gilchrist on Google

Education about nature of Podblanicko region. Parazoo, ecoshop.

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