Church of Our Lady and St. Jana Křtitele - Černé Budy

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Sázavský klášter - Sázavský klášter -

Sázavský klášter a římskokatolická farnost Sázava-Černé Budy, popis návštěvních okruhů v areálu Sázavského kláštera, život na farnosti

Sázavský klášter - Sázavský klášter -

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Contact Church of Our Lady and St. Jana Křtitele

Address :

Zámecká 75, Černé Budy, 285 06 Sázava, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7797
Postal code : 285
Website :
Categories :
City : Sázava

Zámecká 75, Černé Budy, 285 06 Sázava, Czechia
mister Z on Google

Karel Fischer on Google

Pouze pozůstatky původního kostelu.
Only the remains of the original church.
Tomáš “Jordy” Kubela on Google

Polorozbořený kostel.
Half-ruined church.
Stefan T. on Google

Sieht echt aus wie aus dem Spiel Kingdom come deliverance, war aber leider Geschlossen als wir da waren ( man hat zumindest niemand gesehen und die Tür war zu, is halt blöd wenn man kein tschechissh kann. War aber trotzdem top das mal gesehen zu haben
Really looks like from the game Kingdom come deliverance, but unfortunately it was closed when we were there (at least you didn't see anybody and the door was closed, is stupid if you can't speak Czech. But it was great to have seen it
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Prostor před dnešním kostelem sv. Prokopa s gotickou monumentální architekturou nikdy nedostavěného chrámu Panny Marie a sv. Jana Křtitele ze 14. století dnes tvoří nezaměnitelnou dominantu celého kláštera. V plánu byla trojlodní basilika, která však nikdy nebyla dokončena. Byl vybudován jen presbytář a jižní loď s věží. Kostel byl stavěn jako stejnolodí halového typu. Na výstavbě se mimo jiné podílela i stavební huť Matyáše z Arrasu. Velkolepé dílo však nebylo nikdy dokončeno. Výstavbu přerušila špatná ekonomická situace kláštera a husitské války. The area in front of St. Prokop´s church with Gothic monumental architecture of the unfinished temple of Our Lady and St. John the Baptist from the 14th century forms an unmistakable dominant of the entire monastery up until today. The plan was a three-nave basilica, but it was never completed. Only a presbytery and a southern nave with a tower were built. The construction works included, among other things, the building workshop Matyas of Arras. However, the magnificent work has never been completed. The construction interrupted the poor economic situation of the monastery and the incoming Hussite war.
The space in front of today's church of St. Prokop with Gothic monumental architecture of the never completed church of the Virgin Mary and St. John the Baptist from the 14th century today forms an unmistakable dominant feature of the whole monastery. The plan was for a three-nave basilica, which was never completed. Only the presbytery and the south nave with a tower were built. The church was built as a hall-type nave. Among other things, the construction smelter of Matyáš of Arras also took part in the construction. However, the magnificent work was never completed. The construction was interrupted by the poor economic situation of the monastery and the Hussite war. The area in front of St. Prokop´s church with Gothic monumental architecture of the unfinished temple of Our Lady and St. John the Baptist from the 14th century forms an unmistakable dominant of the entire monastery up until today. The plan was a three-nave basilica, but it was never completed. Only a presbytery and a southern nave with a tower were built. The construction works included, among other things, the building workshop Matyas of Arras. However, the magnificent work has never been completed. The construction interrupted the poor economic situation of the monastery and the incoming Hussite war.

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