Kostel sv. Prokopa - Černé Budy

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Sázavský klášter - Sázavský klášter - Sazavskyklaster.cz

Sázavský klášter a římskokatolická farnost Sázava-Černé Budy, popis návštěvních okruhů v areálu Sázavského kláštera, život na farnosti

Sázavský klášter - Sázavský klášter - Sazavskyklaster.cz

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Contact Kostel sv. Prokopa

Address :

Zámecká 1, Černé Budy, 285 06 Sázava, Czechia

Postal code : 285
Website : https://sazavskyklaster.cz/
Categories :
City : Sázava

Zámecká 1, Černé Budy, 285 06 Sázava, Czechia
Šimon Langšádl on Google

Marek Sokołowski on Google

Ivo Weiss on Google

Tomáš “Jordy” Kubela on Google

Velice pěkný kostel.
Very nice church.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Centrem Sázavského kláštera je kostel s ostatky sv. Prokopa. Poloha krypty odpovídá původní kryptě, kde byl sv. Prokop pochován. V kryptě, kde byl pohřben sv. Prokop, byly později pohřbeny i jiné význačné osobnosti. V 15. století chrám zpustl. Strop chrámu se zhroutil a probořil i strop krypty. Koncem 16. stol. byli požádáni horníci, aby z rumiště vyprostili ostatky sv. Prokopa. Byly odtud nevědomky vyzvednuty i různé kosti jiných zemřelých a převezeny dne 29.05.1588 do Prahy. V roce 2016 byl kostel sv. Prokopa s gotickým torzem a protilehlá fara vrácen Římskokatolické farnosti Sázava – Černé Budy. Nyní se naše farnost snaží o obnovu tohoto poutního místa sv. Prokopa v duchovním i hmotném smyslu slova. Dne 25. března 2003, v den 950. výročí smrti světce, byl v kryptě chrámu na Sázavě symbolicky obnoven Prokopův hrob. The center of the Sázava Monastery is the church with the remains of St. Prokop. The position of the crypt corresponds to it´s original placement, where Saint Prokop buried. In the crypt, along with St. Prokop´s remains, were later buried other distinguished personalities. In the 15th century the temple was deserted. The ceiling of the temple collapsed and so as the ceiling of the crypt. At the end of the 16th century miners were asked to extricate the relics of St. Prokop. There were also unintentionally picked up the various bones of other deceased and transferred to Prague on 29.05.1588. The church of St. Prokop with a Gothic torso and the opposite of the parish office returned to the Parish of Sázava - Černá Buda. On March 25, 2003, on the 950th anniversary of the death of the saint Prokop, his grave was symbolically restored in the temple crypt on Sazava.
The center of the Sázava Monastery is the church with the remains of St. Prokop. The position of the crypt corresponds to the original crypt, where St. Prokop buried. In the crypt, where he was buried St. Prokop, other prominent personalities were later buried. In the 15th century, the temple was abandoned. The ceiling of the temple collapsed and the ceiling of the crypt collapsed. At the end of the 16th century. the miners were asked to free the remains of St. Prokop. Various bones of other dead were unknowingly picked up from there and transported to Prague on May 29, 1588. In 2016, the church of St. Prokop with a Gothic torso and the opposite parish returned to the Roman Catholic parish Sázava - Černé Budy. Now our parish is trying to restore this place of pilgrimage to St. Prokop in the spiritual and material sense of the word. On March 25, 2003, the 950th anniversary of the saint's death, Prokop's tomb was symbolically restored in the crypt of the church in Sázava. The center of the Sázava Monastery is the church with the remains of St. Prokop. The position of the crypt corresponds to it´s original placement, where Saint Prokop buried. In the crypt, along with St. Prokop´s remains, were later buried other distinguished personalities. In the 15th century the temple was deserted. The ceiling of the temple collapsed and so as the ceiling of the crypt. At the end of the 16th century miners were asked to extricate the relics of St. Prokop. There were also unintentionally picked up the various bones of other deceased and transferred to Prague on 29.05.1588. The church of St. Prokop with a Gothic torso and the opposite of the parish office returned to the Parish of Sázava - Černá Buda. On March 25, 2003, on the 950th anniversary of the death of the saint Prokop, his grave was symbolically restored in the temple crypt on Sazava.
Ivo David on Google

Krásný kostel se zajímavou historií. Naprosto skvělý průvodce, který dokázal zaujmout po dobu 80 minut. Na závěr díky náhodě jsme vyslechli i rekonstruované varhany a to byla skvostná tečka za touto návštěvou. Je to místo, které opravdu stojí za shlédnutí.
adrian antosik on Google

Jesus Christ be praised!

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