Church of St. Wenceslas

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Church of St. Wenceslas

Address :

Masarykovo nám., 289 11 Pečky, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7887
Categories :
City : Pečky

Masarykovo nám., 289 11 Pečky, Czechia
Josef Horvatovič on Google

Aleksandrs Isajevs on Google

Kateřina Balatková on Google

Miroslav Melišík on Google

Takhle v mlze vypadá nádherně.
This is how it looks beautiful in the fog.
Martin Šáda on Google

Krásný kostelík na malém městě. Dobrá akustika na zpívání.
Beautiful church in a small town. Good acoustics for singing.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Krásná stavba! Škoda že s místy opadající fasádou... Kostel sv. Václava na Masarykově náměstí byl postaven mezi lety 1906 a 1912 v pseudorománském stylu kolínským architektem Josefem Sklenářem podle návrhu Jaroslava Štěrby z Prahy. Objekt je jednolodní, má hranolovou věž a půlkruhovou apsidu. Interiér doplňují obrazy ze života sv. Václava od Františka Urbana a oltář se dvěma sochami v lodi od Františka Chraváta z roku 1943. Vysvěcen 1913. Roku 2001 rekonstruován. Vedle kostela stojí funkcionalistická katolická fara z roku 1941, projektovaná Františkem Čermákem. Beautiful building! It is a pity that partialy with fading fassade... Church of St. Wenceslas Square on Masaryk Square was built between 1906 and 1912 in pseudoroman style by the Kolín architect Josef Sklenar, designed by Jaroslav Štěrba from Prague. The interior is complemented by paintings from the life of St. Wenceslas from Franz Urban and an altar with two sculptures in a ship by František Chravát from 1943. Named after 1913. Reconstructed in 2001. You can find a functionalistic Catholic faraway from 1941, designed by František Čermák, next to the church.
Beautiful building! It is a pity that ... Wenceslas Square on Masaryk Square was built between 1906 and 1912 in a pseudo-Romanesque style by the Kolín architect Josef Sklenář designed by Jaroslav Štěrba from Prague. The building is single-nave, has a prismatic tower and a semicircular apse. The interior is complemented by paintings from the life of St. Wenceslas by František Urban and altar with two statues in a boat by František Chravát from 1943. Consecrated 1913. In 2001 reconstructed. Next to the church is a functionalist Catholic vicarage from 1941, designed by František Čermák. Beautiful building! It is a pity that partialy with fading fassade ... Wenceslas Square on Masaryk Square was built between 1906 and 1912 in a pseudoroman style by the Kolín architect Josef Sklenar, designed by Jaroslav Štěrba from Prague. The interior is complemented by paintings from the life of St. Wenceslas from Franz Urban and an altar with two sculptures in a ship by František Chravát from 1943. Named after 1913. Reconstructed in 2001. You can find a functionalistic Catholic faraway from 1941, designed by František Čermák, next to the church.
Eva Jordan on Google

Dominantou města je jistě od roku 1912 věž kostela sv. Václava, který byl postaven v pseudoromanském stylu. V obci byla před tím pouze kaplička. Škoda, že rekonstrukce z roku 2001 byla zřejmě nepovedená, památka opadává. Moc hezké jsou detaily na fasádě, zejména vchod do kostela.
The dominant feature of the city is certainly since 1912 the tower of the church. Wenceslas, which was built in the pseudo-Romanesque style. There was only a chapel in the village. It is a pity that the reconstruction of 2001 was probably unsuccessful, the monument is falling. Very nice are the details on the facade, especially the entrance to the church.
Pavel Haurythun on Google

Kostel v Pečkách. Nepatřím mezi velké příznivce kostelů ale občas se rád podívám i já dovnitř. Co mají ale kostely opravdu vynikající je akustika zpívané koledy a mše vánoční stala za to.
Church in Pečky. I'm not a big fan of churches, but sometimes I like to look inside. But what churches really have is excellent is the acoustics of carols and Christmas Mass is worth it.

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