Church of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Church of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist

Address :

Kostelní, 252 63 Roztoky, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
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Categories :
City : Roztoky

Kostelní, 252 63 Roztoky, Czechia
Gundl Klimešová on Google

Dobrá atmosvera.
Good atmosphere.
Ján Tomášik on Google

Rozloučení s kamarádkou
Farewell to a friend
Anna Božena Kuchtová on Google

Malý rodinný kostelík po rekonstrukci s krásnou křížovou cestou.
Small family church after reconstruction with a beautiful Stations of the Cross.
Jiří Bartoš on Google

Menší, hezký kostel. Je dobře, že ho město má.
Smaller, handsome church. It's good that the city has it.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Ačkoli první písemná zmínka o Roztokách pochází ze 13. století, vlastní kostel získala tato obec až v 19. století. V době předcházející spadali Roztočtí pod správu farního kostela v Žalově, který je dnes součástí Roztok. Pouze v roztocké tvrzi se nacházela kaple, ta byla ale využívána jen obyvateli tvrze samotné. Až v letech 1865–1867 byl ve vznikající horní části města Roztoky přestavbou staršího špýcharu vystavěn kostel Narození sv. Jana Křtitele. Kostel je plochostropá obdélníková stavba se čtvercovým presbytářem. Nad hlavním vchodem se stupňovitým štítem je umístěn reliéf se sv. Václavem. Hlavní oltář pochází z poloviny 18. století, obraz sv. Jana Nepomuckého je však dílo ze století devatenáctého. Před kostelem je umístěna socha sv. Jana Nepomuckého pocházející z roku 1845. Kostel prošel poslední velkou opravou v roce 2001, kdy získal dnešní podobu. Je přístupný v době konání bohoslužeb nebo nejrůznějších farních akcí. Fara ke kostelu přináležející se nachází v sousedství kostela. Although the first written reference to Roztoky village dates from the 13th century, the church itself was acquired in the 19th century. In the previous times local inhabitants fell under the administration of the parish church in Žalov, which is now part of Roztoky. Only a chapel was situated in the tower's fortress, but it was used only by the inhabitants of the fortress itself. Between 1865-1867 the church of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist was built in the upper part of the town of Roztoky. The church is a flat-faced rectangular building with a square presbytery. Above the main entrance with a stepped shield a relief with st. Wenceslas is placed. The main altar dates from the middle of the 18th century, the painting of St. Jan of Nepomuk is from the nineteenth century. The statue of St. Jan of Nepomuk in front of the church is dated back to 1845. The building underwent the last major repairs in 2001, when it acquired it´s present form. It is accessible at a time of worship or during a variety of parish events. A parish office is located in the neighborhood of the church.
Although the first written mention of Roztoky comes from the 13th century, the village did not acquire its own church until the 19th century. In the previous period, Roztočtí fell under the administration of the parish church in Žalov, which is now part of Roztoky. Only in the Roztoky fortress there was a chapel, but it was used only by the inhabitants of the fortress itself. It was not until 1865–1867 that the Church of the Nativity of St. was built in the emerging upper part of the town of Roztoky by rebuilding an older granary. John the Baptist. The church is a flat-ceilinged rectangular building with a square presbytery. Above the main entrance with a stepped gable is a relief with St. Wenceslas. The main altar dates from the mid-18th century, the image of St. However, Jan Nepomucký is a work from the nineteenth century. In front of the church is a statue of St. Jan Nepomucký dating from 1845. The church underwent the last major renovation in 2001, when it acquired its present appearance. It is accessible during services or various parish events. The parish belonging to the church is located next to the church. Although the first written reference to Roztoky village dates from the 13th century, the church itself was acquired in the 19th century. In the previous times local inhabitants fell under the administration of the parish church in Žalov, which is now part of Roztoky. Only a chapel was situated in the tower's fortress, but it was used only by the inhabitants of the fortress itself. Between 1865-1867 the church of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist was built in the upper part of the town of Roztoky. The church is a flat-faced rectangular building with a square presbytery. Above the main entrance with a stepped shield a relief with st. Wenceslas is placed. The main altar dates from the middle of the 18th century, the painting of St. Jan of Nepomuk is from the nineteenth century. The statue of St. Jan of Nepomuk in front of the church is dated back to 1845. The building underwent the last major repairs in 2001, when it acquired it´s present form. It is accessible at a time of worship or during a variety of parish events. A parish office is located in the neighborhood of the church.
Rob n Roll on Google

Tady před dvaceti lety probíhalo očkování psů . Netuším zde se tu ještě něco takového děje ,ale v létě tady byl vždycky klídek , ptáci zpívali , sluníčko svítilo a hřálo , vždycky mi tady na tom místě bylo tak nějak dobře . Navštívil sem to tu po dvaceti letech , a asi je to tady stále stejné , narozdíl od zrenovovanýho náměstí , kde místo kina je Albert , a místo náměstí , které vypadalo jako náměstí , stojí moderní dům ( vypadající jako v uvozovkách residence, a asi to i residence bude , páč všechno co je nový a bydlí tam lidi , se jmenuje residence) do tvaru přímého úhelníku. Asi to bude dobré pro ty starší lidi , co tu bydlí . Za sebe jen dodám, že žít tu celý život a mít k Roztokům vztah jako starousedlík a rodilej občan , tak budu takovouhle renovací tak pohoršen a nasrán , že bych se snad i radši odstěhoval. Neskutečný zásah a zničení a narušení prostoru rádo by náměstí , které by se v okamžiku dokončení mělo jmenovat sídliště residence . Mě osobně tohle absolutní opak radosti a nadšení.
Dogs were vaccinated here twenty years ago. I have no idea something like this is happening here, but in the summer there was always peace, the birds were singing, the sun was shining and warming, I was always so good here in that place. I visited it here after twenty years, and it's probably still the same here, unlike the renovated square, where the cinema is Albert, and the square, which looked like a square, is a modern house (looking like the quotes of the residence, and probably even residence will be, because everything is new and people live there, it is called residence) in the shape of a straight angle. It will probably be good for the older people who live here. I will only add for myself that living here all my life and having a relationship with Roztoky as an old settler and a native citizen, so I will be so offended and pissed off by such a renovation that I would probably even move out. The square, which at the time of completion should be called the residence of the residence, would like an unbelievable intervention and the destruction and disturbance of the space. For me personally, this is the absolute opposite of joy and enthusiasm.
Tomas Horak on Google

Pěkný kostel
Nice church
DebrZo on Google

Modest and nice

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