Čimický rybník

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Čimický rybník

Address :

181 00 Praha 8, Czechia

Categories :
City : Praha

181 00 Praha 8, Czechia
The Stage on Google

Dříve to zde bylo o něco hezčí a trávil jsem zde více času, stále se ale jedná o pěkné místo...
It used to be a bit nicer here and I spent more time here, but it's still a nice place ...
Jana Šťovíčková on Google

Pohodlná ,stinná procházka malebnou přírodou? Lehce dostupné místo autobusem.
A comfortable, shady walk through picturesque nature? Easily accessible place by bus.
Ján Mačejovský on Google

Tento rybník je blízko ubytovania v Prahe 8,v Čimičich. Je jedinečný,pretože nemá žiadny prítok. Žije v ňom niekoľko kačiek a husi. Je tam miesto na odpočinok.
This pond is close to accommodation in Prague 8, in Čimičich. It is unique because it has no tributary. Several ducks and geese live there. There's a place to rest.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

První zmínky o rybníku pochází z roku 1890. V šedesátých letech 20. století, v době růstu této městské části (obec byla připojena ku Praze v roce 1960), došlo k vyčištění rybníka a úpravám na obou stranách hráze. Dnes je využíván rybáři a slouží také jako záložní zdroj požární vody. V letech 2003-2005 byl zpracováván projekt celkové revitalizace rybníka, která byla zahájena v dubnu 2005. Vodní nádrž o objemu 11 200 m3 je na západním konci završena zemní sypanou hrází o výšce přes pět metrů. The first mention of the pond comes from 1890. In the sixties of the 20th century, at the time of growth of this part of the city (the village was annexed to Prague in 1960), the pond was cleaned and modified on both sides of the dam. Today it is used by fishermen and also serves as a backup source of fire water. In the years 2003-2005, a project for the overall revitalization of the pond was being prepared, which was started in April 2005. The water reservoir with a volume of 11,200 m3 is topped at the western end by a dam with a height of over five meters.
The first mention of the pond comes from 1890. In the 1960s, at the time of the growth of this part of the city (the village was annexed to Prague in 1960), the pond was cleaned and modified on both sides of the dam. Today it is used by fishermen and also serves as a backup source of fire water. In the years 2003-2005, a project for the overall revitalization of the pond was being prepared, which was started in April 2005. The water reservoir with a volume of 11,200 m3 is topped at the western end by an earth-filled dam with a height of over five meters. The first mention of the pond comes from 1890. In the sixties of the 20th century, at the time of growth of this part of the city (the village was annexed to Prague in 1960), the pond was cleaned and modified on both sides of the dam. Today it is used by fishermen and also serves as a backup source of fire water. In the years 2003-2005, a project for the overall revitalization of the pond was being prepared, which was started in April 2005. The water reservoir with a volume of 11,200 m3 is topped at the western end by a dam with a height of over five meters.
MajBoss on Google

Bohužel už se o rybník nikdo nestará. Dříve to byl hezký rybník s čistou vodou a bylo tam plno ryb i kachen. Dnes je z toho zelená břečka zarostalá rákosím, spoustu ryb uhynulo.
Unfortunately, nobody cares about the pond anymore. It used to be a nice pond with clean water and there were many fish and ducks. Today it is a green slush overgrown with reeds, many fish have died.
Josef Kohout on Google

Normální rybník uprostřed malého sídliště. Není na něm nic špatného, ale nepovažoval bych ho za turistický cíl.
A normal pond in the middle of a small housing estate. There is nothing wrong with it, but I would not consider it a tourist destination.
Václav Kasl on Google

Moc hezké místo,zrovna svítilo sluníčko, krásný kousek přírody uprostřed městské betonové džungle
Very nice place, the sun was just shining, a beautiful piece of nature in the middle of the city's concrete jungle
Kryštof Balek on Google

Nice place in Prague

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