Decathlon Zličín - Řevnická 1

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

About Decathlon Zličín

Sportovci mezi regály

S nápadem nabízet vybavení pro všechny sporty pod jednou střechou přišla parta sedmi mladých nadšenců na severu Francie v polovině sedmdesátých let. Dnes zákazníci naše pobočky bezpečně poznají díky přátelskému prostředí a možnosti vyzkoušet většinu výrobků přímo na místě.

Hlavním trumfem každé naší prodejny je však její tým tvořený aktivními a nadšenými sportovci. Na žádné z nich nenarazíte na „prodavače a podavače“, ale na sportovní poradce, kteří se s vámi rádi podělí o rady i vlastní zkušenosti. Výrobky ostatně často vyzkoušeli na vlastní kůži, což odpovídá i mottu našeho zakladatele Michela Leclercqa: „Chceš-li zákazníkovi co nejlépe poradit, jdi si s ním zasportovat.”

To platí dodnes, i když od té doby Decathlon vyrostl a dnes má více než 1 600 prodejen v 60 zemích světa. V České republice jsme první prodejnu otevřeli v roce 2010 v Liberci a v současnosti jich máme 25. Rozhodně to ale není konečné číslo, protože svým zákazníkům se chceme co nejvíce přiblížit.

Contact Decathlon Zličín

Address :

Řevnická 1, 155 21 Zličín, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +88
Postal code : 155
Website :
Categories :
City : Zličín

Řevnická 1, 155 21 Zličín, Czechia
Teddy Lenis on Google

It's a fantastic majestic sport store, what I can noticed has enerything for every single sport or hobby. I've been in every single store around my Europe trip, and this stores are amazing with good prices and variety. But the one who got me in shock was one in Berlin. If you like sports of camping or anything related to sports or related. This is the store to go. Totally recomended and a must.
Saj on Google

Customet service is pretty bad today here. Asked for shoe laces with at least 3 people and they dont know where they are. I walked around and found in one of their aisle, but not much choice. But when asked if any other exist no one seems to know or care about and they even don't know of the ones I found. Looks like they need better training to know where things are in the store.
Adam Quesnell on Google

The staff here are really helpful. A special mention to Honza who after I made a mistake and went to collect my e-shop order before it had arrived, called me 10 minutes later to tell me that my order had just arrived on that day's delivery. He saved me a 30 minute round trip to go back to the shop again. Thanks Honza!
Vaneska Streitova on Google

The staff was very nice, and even though we came near closing time, they were welcoming and provided us with the best products they had for us. The staff also helped us find products according to our needs, even when we didn't have an order.
MarB on Google

Pretty cheap sport clothes, but the quality is not bad :) It is a big shop and they have lot of stuff in stock.
Jaroslav Vacek on Google

I like this department store because they sell high quality sporting goods and clothing for very reasonable prices. My children love their shoes which last almost forever!!! The staff is plentiful, nice and helpful. Always nice shopping here! ?
colin burgess on Google

Shopping for all sports at great prices and helpful staff
Dave on Google

Get all your indoor, outdoor sports activity clothes, equipments or any other suff or even if you need something camping you will find it here

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