4.4/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

U Průhonu 800/13, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice, Czechia

Website :
Categories :
City : Praha 7 Holešovice

U Průhonu 800/13, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice, Czechia
Zuzka Samková on Google

Velký výběr bot, ale bohužel velmi nepříjemná obsluha, zvláště při řešení reklamace. Synovi jsem zde kupovala několik Superfit bot. Vždy jsem byla spokojená. Ale poslední pár bot se nám po 2 měsícich nošení téměř rozpadl, Reklamace nám nebyla uznána a prodavačky v obchodě se mnou jednaly velmi neslušně. Detaily nebudu rozepisovat, ale nikdy jsem nic podobného nezažila o tomuto obchodu se už raději budu vyhýbat.
Large selection of shoes, but unfortunately very unpleasant operation, especially when resolving a complaint. I bought my son several Superfit shoes here. I have always been satisfied. But the last pair of shoes almost fell apart after 2 months of wearing, The complaint was not accepted and the saleswomen in the store treated me very rude. I will not go into details, but I have never experienced anything like this about this shop, I would rather avoid it.
Klára Belicová on Google

Zklamala nás rychlost dodání. Objednávala jsem synovi bačkory do školky ve ČT večer a k odeslání ze skladu (má údajně dojít) až v dnes ÚT ráno. Neprofesionální mi přijde, že jsem byla v PO informována mailem, že k odeslání již došlo a nebyla to pravda. Syn tedy nemá bačkory na první den školky a já příště budu volit eshop se spolehlivější dobou doručení.
The speed of delivery disappointed us. I ordered my son's slippers to the kindergarten on ČT in the evening and to send them from the warehouse (supposedly to happen) until ÚT this morning. The non-professional thinks that I was informed by e-mail in the PO that the sending had already taken place and it was not true. So my son doesn't have slippers on the first day of kindergarten and next time I will choose an eshop with a more reliable delivery time.
Kamila Jankova on Google

Příjemný a velmi ochotný personál. Pomohl s výběrem, profesionální přístup. Takhle nadšená z nakupování jsem už dlouho nebyla.
Pleasant and very helpful staff. He helped with the selection, a professional approach. I haven't been so excited about shopping in a long time.
Mike Ivsin on Google

Kids shoes of many brands. Order several pairs and get them a day or twot to try them in the closest store.
Hana Hillerova on Google

Very large selection of kid shoes. The shop assistants who work there are knowledgeable and nice.
Anna P. on Google

The worst staff ever. We entered the shop which had the door opened and customers inside, said “Dobry den” and got a reply “Je zavreno!!!”. The problem is that 1) the door was opened; 2) the working hours were written on the other (hidden from us) side of the door. We will never come back again.
Lucia C on Google

Hrozný přístup obsluhy a péče o klienty v kamenném obchode. The worst customer service ever in their shop in Prague 7. My experience was confirmed on several occasions. Employees smoking in front of the entrance door, ignoring clients, unwilling to help.
Stepan Kornyakov on Google

One can find very good variety of children footwear here. The quality is mostly superb and the prices are reasonable. They also have a loyalty program, so one can get some discounts if buys shoes more or less regularly. Can be crowded on Saturday. There is a paid parking lot (30 Kč/hr) right near the entrance. At least on Saturday, there are always a lot of parking places available.

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