DPD Depo - Okružní 7

2.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact DPD Depo

Address :

Okružní 7, 370 01 České Budějovice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
Postal code : 370
Website : https://www.dpd.com/cz/cs/
Categories :
City : České Budějovice

Okružní 7, 370 01 České Budějovice, Czechia
Vaclav Vančura on Google

POZOR NA ZCELA NESPOLEHLIVOU FIRM!!! Zásilka z Francie v listopadu 2021 nedoručena, i když v systému je napsáni, že mi ji doručili 11.11.2021. Po reklamaci z mé strany minapsali, že se omlouvají, prý chyba kurýra, a že prý začali reklamační řízení. Okamžitě jsem je žádal, aby zrušili v systému informaci o doručení, aby to nebránilo reklamaci odesilatele. Od té doby jsem to od nich požadoval ječtš třikrát, bezvýsledně. Odesílate marně zkoušel věc reklamovat, vždy ho vyhodili, zásilka prý byla doručena. Naposledy mi z DPD 29.1.2022 poradila paní Salvetová, specialista zákaznické péče, abych se obrátil na odesílatele, ať to reklamuje (!!!!!). Odesílatele dosud nikdo nekontaktoval, v systému je stále uvedeno, že zásilka byla doručena 11.11.2021, Mimochodem, hodnota zásilky je cca 1000 EUR. Celou věc předávám policii ČR - je to úmyslné maření reklamace. Mimochodem, další zásiku od DPD mi přivezl tentýž kurýr, který předchozí zásilku nedodal, a na ní bylo "vtipně" pozměněno mé příjmení. Zřejmě reakce na nedoručenou zásilku, kterou prý bude kurýr nucen zaplatit. Což je zajímavé, protože reklamační řízení je ze strany DPD úspěšně mařeno. POKUD SI MŮŽETE VYBRAT? TA NIKDY DPD!!
BEWARE OF A COMPLETELY UNRELIABLE COMPANY !!! Shipment from France in November 2021 not delivered, although the system states that it was delivered to me on 11.11.2021. After the complaint, I wrote that they were sorry, allegedly by the courier, and that they had started the complaint procedure. I immediately asked them to cancel the delivery information in the system so that it would not prevent the sender's complaint. Since then, I have asked them three more times, to no avail. The sender tried in vain to complain about the matter, they always fired it, the consignment was said to have been delivered. Mrs. Salvetová, a customer care specialist, last advised me from DPD 29.1.2022 to contact the sender to complain (!!!!!). Nobody has contacted the sender yet, the system still states that the shipment was delivered on 11.11.2021, By the way, the value of the shipment is about 1000 EUR. I hand over the whole thing to the Czech police - it is a deliberate obstruction of the complaint. By the way, another consignment from DPD was brought to me by the same courier who did not deliver the previous shipment, and my last name was "humorously" changed on it. Probably a reaction to an undelivered shipment, which the courier is said to be forced to pay. Which is interesting because the complaint procedure is successfully thwarted by DPD. IF YOU CAN CHOOSE? TA NEVER DPD !!
Miluska Cabalova on Google


DPD depo
Roman Belkin on Google

Have not handed my parcel without reason, have not called me
Daniel Skyba on Google

Parcel not delivered to me. Nobody contacted me via phone or email. Happened multiple times.
Oksana Mikhailova on Google

Very nice courier, which has quite a good English. Great company, i like it! ?
Gabriel Montaut on Google

This company is a scam, it's not working at all : 5 differents parcels from 5 differents senders were returned. Adress was correct every time. They should be in jail for not providing the service.
Brilgatto on Google

I bought items from CZC.cz for 4532 Kč but on DPD site it was for around 9000 Kč from Prologis park

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