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I když je dům U Sokola v rámci celého Zámeckého náměstí a přilehlé ulice "U zámku" lehce přehlédnutelný, přesto citlivě dotváří kolorit místa v jihozápadní části nejstaršího dochovaného teplického náměstí. Empírový dům je hodnotným příkladem obytného domu 1. poloviny 19. století. Jeho výstavba souvisí s rozmachem lázeňství ve městě. Dvoupatrový dům s kombinovanou střechou má zdobnou fasádu otočenou do náměstí. Balkon nad vstupem nese dvojice sloupů. Even though the House "U Sokola" could be easily overlooked within the Chateau Square and adjacent street "U zámku", it still sensitively complements the colorful places in the southwestern part of the oldest preserved square of the Teplice. Empire House is a valuable example of a residential house of the first half of the 19th century. Its construction is related to the boom of spa in the city. The two-storey house with a combined roof has a decorative facade facing the square. The balcony above the entrance carries a pair of columns.
Although the U Sokola house within the entire Zámecký náměstí and the adjacent "U zámku" street is easily overlooked, it still sensitively completes the color of the place in the southwestern part of the oldest preserved Teplice square. The Empire house is a valuable example of a residential house in the first half of the 19th century. Its construction is related to the expansion of spas in the city. The two-storey house with a combined roof has a decorative facade facing the square. The balcony above the entrance carries a pair of columns. Even though the House "U Sokola" could be easily overlooked within the Chateau Square and adjacent street "U zámku", it still sensitively complements the colorful places in the southwestern part of the oldest preserved square of the Teplice. Empire House is a valuable example of a residential house of the first half of the 19th century. Its construction is related to the boom of spa in the city. The two-storey house with a combined roof has a decorative facade facing the square. The balcony above the entrance carries a pair of columns.

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