Grounds of the former Benedictine monastery

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Contact Grounds of the former Benedictine monastery

Address :

Zámecké nám. 517/14, 415 01 Teplice, Czechia

Categories :
City : Teplice

Zámecké nám. 517/14, 415 01 Teplice, Czechia
Jan Mikač on Google

Karel Přibil on Google

Super, doporučuji.
Great, I recommend.
Eva Jordan on Google

V letech 1152-1426 byl na místě dnešního teplického zámku ženský benediktinský klášter, který založila Judita Durynská, česká královna. Benediktini se často usídlovali u léčivých pramenů a tak tomu bylo i zde. Zbytky románských budov byly obnoveny a jsou k vidění v areálu dnešního muzea.
In the years 1152-1426, a Benedictine monastery was founded on the site of today's Teplice Chateau, founded by Judith Thuringian, the Czech Queen. Benedictines often settled on healing springs, and so it was here. Remnants of Romanesque buildings have been restored and can be seen on the premises of today's museum.
George O´Harek (JOh) on Google

Na to, že tady leží základy středověké historie a vzniku lázní i města Teplic, to mnoho pozornosti nepřitahuje. Jiná města by si takové místo hýčkala, tady už desítky let se čeká na rekonstrukci toho co stojí a zatraktivnění archeologických nálezů alespoň nějakými popisy s výkladem. Tu ubohou tabulku, co jsem tu našel přikládám.
The fact that there are the foundations of medieval history and the establishment of the spa and the city of Teplice does not attract much attention. Other cities would pamper such a place, here for decades has been waiting for the reconstruction of what it costs and make the archaeological finds more attractive with at least some descriptions with an explanation. I attach the poor table I found here.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Pozůstatky ženského benediktinského kláštera v Teplicích představují jedinečnou památku románské architektury nejen v severozápadních Čechách, ale i v rámci Českých zemí. Jediná dobová zpráva o založení kláštera není přesně datována, víme jen, že k založení došlo mezi lety 1152/3 - 1167 a že klášter byl založen jako dceřiný z konventu benediktinek u sv. Jiří na Pražském hradě. Z budov kvadratury, která se nacházela po jižním boku klášterního kostela, se v jádře dochovalo východní křídlo, v němž byla situována kapitulní síň. Ale části románského zdiva byly odkryty i z někdejšího jižního a západního křídla. Pozůstatky klášterního kostela byly odhaleny archeologickým výzkumem. Šlo o trojlodní baziliku, jejíž úzké boční lodě na východě končily v nevelkých apsidách. Na severu pak k východní části boční lodi přiléhala obdélná kaple s apsidou na východě. The remains of the female Benedictine monastery in Teplice represent a unique memory of Romanesque architecture not only in northwestern Bohemia but also within the whole Czech land. The only ancient report on the founding of the monastery is not exactly dated, we know only that the foundation was made between 1152/3 - 1167 and that the monastery was founded as a daughter-one from the Benedictine convent at St. Jiří in Prague Castle. From the quadrature buildings that were located along the southern side of the monastery´s church the eastern wing of the capital was preserved in it´s core. But parts of the Romanesque masonry were also uncovered from the former south and west wings. The remains of the monastery church were revealed by archaeological research. It was a three-nave basilica, whose narrow side naves were ended with small apses at the eastern side. To the north, a rectangular chapel with an apse in the east was adjacent to the eastern side of the side boat.
The remains of the Benedictine convent in Teplice represent a unique monument of Romanesque architecture not only in northwestern Bohemia, but also in the Czech lands. The only period report on the founding of the monastery is not exactly dated, we only know that the foundation took place between 1152/3 - 1167 and that the monastery was founded as a daughter of the Benedictine convent at St. George at Prague Castle. From the buildings of the quadrature, which was located on the south side of the monastery church, the eastern wing, in which the chapter hall was situated, has been preserved in the core. But parts of the Romanesque masonry were also uncovered from the former south and west wings. The remains of the monastery church were discovered by archaeological research. It was a three-nave basilica, whose narrow side naves in the east ended in small apses. To the north, to the eastern part of the side nave, was a rectangular chapel with an apse to the east. The remains of the female Benedictine monastery in Teplice represent a unique memory of Romanesque architecture not only in northwestern Bohemia but also within the whole Czech land. The only ancient report on the founding of the monastery is not exactly dated, we know only that the foundation was made between 1152/3 - 1167 and that the monastery was founded as a daughter-one from the Benedictine convent at St. Jiří in Prague Castle. From the quadrature buildings that were located along the southern side of the monastery´s church the eastern wing of the capital was preserved in it´s core. But parts of the Romanesque masonry were also uncovered from the former south and west wings. The remains of the monastery church were revealed by archaeological research. It was a three-nave basilica, whose narrow side naves were ended with small apses at the eastern side. To the north, a rectangular chapel with an apse in the east was adjacent to the eastern side of the side boat.

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