Dvořáčkův park - Havlíčkova 57

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Contact Dvořáčkův park

Address :

Havlíčkova 57, 471 14 Kamenický Šenov, Czechia

Postal code : 471
Website : https://senovske-parky.nadace-promeny.cz/
Categories :
City : Kamenický Šenov

Havlíčkova 57, 471 14 Kamenický Šenov, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Dvořáčkův park (o rozloze 0,86 ha) se nachází mezi domovem pro seniory a střední umělecko-průmyslovou školou sklářskou, v blízkosti šenovského náměstí. Najdete tu třeba dětské hřiště ve zbytcích obvodových zdí. Dřevěný altán v centrální části prostoru tvoří nejen přirozený střed parku, dá se tu i ukrýt před špatným počasím, nebo využít akustiky pro konání menších kulturních akcí. Dále tu najdete hřiště pro pétanque, kamenné stolky a spoustu laviček. Základy obou šenovských parků byly položeny v místech původní rodinné zástavby po druhé světové válce, brzy ale začaly chátrat, až zcela zanikly. Díky městu a nadaci Proměny byly téměř po 50 letech zrevitalizovány. Oba parky nesou v názvech jména významných pedagogů, kteří v Kamenickém Šenově v minulosti působili. Jan Dvořáček (1825 – 1898) působil na místní umělecké škole, z níž vybudoval první odbornou sklářskou školu ve střední Evropě. Učitel fyziky Josef Janura (1909 – 1985) v 60. letech zřídil školní dílny ve zkonfiskovaném domě po vynálezci Dr. Paulu Pallme-Königovi. V okolí domu s žáky svépomocí budoval veřejný park, který slavnostně otevřeli v září 1963. The Dvořáček Park (with an area of 0.86 ha) is located between the retirement home and the glass-making Secondary School of Applied Arts, near Šenov Square. There is a playground in the rest of the perimeter walls. The wooden gazebo in the central part of the space is not only a natural center of the park, it can also become a shelter in case of bad weather, but you can also use its acoustics for smaller cultural events. There is also a pétanque playground, stone tables and lots of benches. The foundations of both Šenov parks were laid in the place of the original family development after World War II, but soon began to deteriorate, until they completely disappeared. Thanks to the city and the "Proměny" Foundation, they were revitalized almost 50 years later. Both parks bear the names of prominent teachers of Kamenický Šenov in the past. Jan Dvořáček (1825 - 1898) worked at a local art school from which he built the first professional glass school in Central Europe. Physics teacher Josef Janura (1909-1985) set up school workshops in a confiscated house after the inventor Dr. Paul Pallme-König. In the vicinity of the house, he built a public park with his pupils, which was inaugurated in September 1963. The Dvořáček Park is located between the retirement home and the glass-making Secondary School of Applied Arts, near Šenov Square.
Dvořáček Park (with an area of ​​0.86 ha) is located between a home for the elderly and a secondary glassmaking and industrial school of glassmaking, near Šenov Square. You will find, for example, a children's playground in the remains of the perimeter walls. The wooden gazebo in the central part of the space not only forms the natural center of the park, you can also hide here from bad weather, or use acoustics for smaller cultural events. There is also a pétanque court, stone tables and lots of benches. The foundations of both Šenov parks were laid in the places of the original family development after the Second World War, but soon they began to fall into disrepair, until they completely disappeared. Thanks to the city and the Transformation Foundation, they were revitalized after almost 50 years. Both parks are named after important educators who worked in Kamenický Šenov in the past. Jan Dvořáček (1825 - 1898) worked at the local art school, from which he built the first vocational glass school in Central Europe. In the 1960s, physics teacher Josef Janura (1909 - 1985) set up school workshops in a confiscated house after the inventor Dr. Paul Pallme-König. He built a public park around the house with the pupils, which they ceremoniously opened in September 1963. The Dvořáček Park (with an area of ​​0.86 ha) is located between the retirement home and the glass-making Secondary School of Applied Arts, near Šenov Square. There is a playground in the rest of the perimeter walls. The wooden gazebo in the central part of the space is not only a natural center of the park, it can also become a shelter in case of bad weather, but you can also use its acoustics for smaller cultural events. There is also a pétanque playground, stone tables and lots of benches. The foundations of both Šenov parks were laid in the place of the original family development after World War II, but soon began to deteriorate, until they completely disappeared. Thanks to the city and the "Proměny" Foundation, they were revitalized almost 50 years later. Both parks bear the names of prominent teachers of Kamenický Šenov in the past. Jan Dvořáček (1825 - 1898) worked at a local art school from which he built the first professional glass school in Central Europe. Physics teacher Josef Janura (1909-1985) set up school workshops in a confiscated house after the inventor Dr. Paul Pallme-König. In the vicinity of the house, he built a public park with his pupils, which was inaugurated in September 1963. The Dvořáček Park is located between the retirement home and the glass-making Secondary School of Applied Arts, near Šenov Square.

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