St Catherine Churchyard

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Contact St Catherine Churchyard

Address :

471 52 Sloup v Čechách, Czechia

Opening hours :
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Categories :
City : Sloup v Čechách

471 52 Sloup v Čechách, Czechia
Michal Jarka on Google

Petr Štefek on Google

Jurij Pokrivchak on Google

Robin Bobbs on Google

Dzaliana Vesela on Google

Michal Mikeš on Google

Park před kostelem s několika pomníky.
Park in front of the church with several monuments.
Tomas Vlasak on Google

Prijemny park, tesim se az bude leto na piknik bude fajn
Nice park, I look forward to the summer picnic will be fine
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Náměstí T. G. Masaryka je zajímavé tím, že jde vlastně o jakýsi klidný parčík se spoustou zeleně, který ze všech stran je ohraničen zajímavými stavebními památkami - zámkem, kostelem, farou a budovou školy. Dále tu najdeme mariánský sloup, působivé barokní sousoší, samostatně stojící kříž u kostela a pomník TGM. Areál barokního kostela sv. Kateřiny vznikal od roku 1706 pod patronátem rodu Kinských. Kostel byl již v letech 1717–1719 přestavěn italským stavitelem Petrem Pavlem Columbanim. U kostela stojí barokní sloup se sochou Panny Marie pochází z roku 1694. Pískovcový mariánský sloup sestává z hranolového soklu s datací a festony a korintského sloupu nesoucího sochu Madony. Pozdně barokní fara z roku 1784 stojí na místě starší fary, která je zde doložena od 14. století. Jedná se o krásnou patrovou zděnou stavbu s vysokou mansardovou střechou. Objekt se dochoval ve velmi autentickém stavu. Sousoší Kalvárie se nachází v blízkosti fary. Dle nápisu bylo vytvořeno Antonínem Braunem roku 1740. Jedná se o významné pozdně barokní sochařské dílo vzniklé na panství rodiny Kinských. Zhruba uprostřed parku je pomník TGM s pískovcovou bustou prezidenta, vytesanou kameníkem J. Vítem. Na místě pomníku dříve stál morový sloup, jenž byl kvůli pomníku přesunut před hlavní vchod kostela. The Baroque Church of St. Kateřina was founded in 1706 under the patronage of the Kinský family. The church was rebuilt in 1717–1719 by Italian builder Petr Pavel Columbani. A baroque column with a statue of the Virgin Mary dates back to 1694. The sandstone Marian column consists of a prismatic plinth with dating and festons and a Corinthian column bearing a statue of the Madonna. Late Baroque parish office from 1784 stands on the site of an older rectory, which has been documented here since the 14th century. It is a beautiful storey brick building with a high mansard roof. The building has been preserved in a very authentic condition. The Calvary sculptural group is located near the parish office. According to the inscription, it was created by Antonín Braun in 1740. It is a significant late Baroque sculpture created on the estates of the Kinský family. Roughly in the middle of the park is a monument to TGM with a sandstone bust of the president, carved by stonemason J. Vít. In the place of the monument, there was a plague column that was moved to the main entrance of the church due to the monument.
T. G. Masaryk Square is interesting in that it is actually a kind of quiet park with lots of greenery, which is bordered on all sides by interesting architectural monuments - a castle, church, parish and school building. There is also a Marian column, an impressive Baroque sculpture, a free-standing cross by the church and a TGM monument. The area of ​​the baroque church of St. Kateřiny was founded in 1706 under the patronage of the Kinský family. The church was rebuilt in the years 1717–1719 by the Italian builder Petr Pavel Columbani. Next to the church there is a baroque column with a statue of the Virgin Mary dating from 1694. The sandstone Marian column consists of a prismatic plinth with dates and festoons and a Corinthian column bearing a statue of the Madonna. The late Baroque rectory from 1784 stands on the site of an older rectory, which has been documented here since the 14th century. It is a beautiful two-storey brick building with a high mansard roof. The building has been preserved in a very authentic condition. The sculpture of Calvary is located near the rectory. According to the inscription, it was created by Antonín Braun in 1740. It is an important late Baroque sculptural work created on the estate of the Kinský family. About the middle of the park is the TGM monument with a sandstone bust of the president, carved by the stonemason J. Vít. The site of the monument used to be a plague column, which was moved in front of the main entrance of the church due to the monument. The Baroque Church of St. Kateřina was founded in 1706 under the patronage of the Kinský family. The church was rebuilt in 1717–1719 by Italian builder Petr Pavel Columbani. A baroque column with a statue of the Virgin Mary dates back to 1694. The sandstone Marian column consists of a prismatic plinth with dating and festons and a Corinthian column bearing a statue of the Madonna. Late Baroque parish office from 1784 stands on the site of an older rectory, which has been documented here since the 14th century. It is a beautiful storey brick building with a high mansard roof. The building has been preserved in a very authentic condition. The Calvary sculptural group is located near the parish office. According to the inscription, it was created by Antonín Braun in 1740. It is a significant late Baroque sculpture created on the estates of the Kinský family. Roughly in the middle of the park is a monument to TGM with a sandstone bust of the president, carved by stonemason J. Vít. In the place of the monument, there was a plague column that was moved to the main entrance of the church due to the monument.

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