
4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact EcuServis

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Sadová 189/44, Předměstí, 746 01 Opava, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
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City : Opava

Sadová 189/44, Předměstí, 746 01 Opava, Czechia
Lenka Mazgutova on Google

Na dvojke fabii mi odišla riadiaca jednotka motora,uvažovala som či ešte investovať do staršieho auta,ale pani na infolinke mi vysvetlila,že ak na jednotke neobjavia chybu,vrátia mi ju naspäť za cenu poštovného.Po celý čas ochotne komunikovali somnou aj s mojim servisakom,informácie chodili pravidelne aj do e-mailu.S opravou som veľmi spokojná,auta zas jazdí ako ma.Ďakujem
The engine control unit left me at two fabia, I was considering whether to invest in an older car, but the lady at the infoline explained to me that if they didn't find a mistake in the unit, they would return it to me for postage. , the information was also sent regularly to the e-mail. I am very satisfied with the repair, the cars run like me again. Thank you
Libor Nedělka on Google

Děkuji firmě Ecuservis za vyřízení zakázky. Řídící jednotka bohužel nešla opravit, ale firma veškeré náklady vrátila zpět, dokonce uhradila i náklady spojené s reklamaci i s prací v servisu. Velice děkuji za vyřízení, obrovský dík patří p. Zavřelové za vstřícnost a ochotu. Děkuji vám Libor Nedělka
Thank you to Ecuservis for processing the order. Unfortunately, the control unit could not be repaired, but the company returned all costs, even paid the costs associated with the complaint and work in the service. Thank you very much for the settlement, a huge thank you to Mr. Zavřelová for her helpfulness and willingness. Thank you Libor Nedělka
Matej Sklenář on Google

Rýchla oprava RJ, rýchle doručenie naspäť zo servisu. Možnosť výberu opravy. Po poskladaní auta znova jazdí ako nové. Maximálna spokojsnosť a rýchlosť. Tak isto aj pravidelné informácie v akom stave je objednávka.
RJ quick repair, fast delivery back from service. Possibility to choose the repair. After assembling the car, it drives like new again. Maximum satisfaction and speed. As well as regular information on the status of the order.
Pavol Hroza on Google

Objednal som si opravu ABS na môj VW Golf a všetko prebehlo perfektne. Kuriér u mňa jednotku prevzal a odvtedy som bol milou slečnou pravidelne informovaný o stave mojej objednávky. Jednotka bola opravená za 4 dni a aj keď som mal problém s montážou jednotky do auta, zavolal mi technik a všetko so mnou prebral. Rozhodne odporúčam!
I ordered an ABS repair for my VW Golf and everything went perfectly. The courier took over the unit from me and since then I have been regularly informed by a nice lady about the status of my order. The unit was repaired in 4 days and even though I had a problem assembling the unit in the car, a technician called me and took everything over with me. Definitely recommend!
František Sztruhár on Google

Tento servis som si vybral preto, lebo má na stránke uvedené, že opravia všetko. Vopred som im poslal fotografie jednotky, ktorá sa má opraviť a potvrdili mi, že to nie je problém. Vytvoril som objednávku, kde som uviedol, že pokiaľ je zlá riadiaca jednotka súhlasím s výmenou a zaplatím kompletné náklady na opravu. Po týždni aj niečo som volal, že ako sú na tom. Z rozhovoru mi bolo jasné, že to ešte ani nevideli, lebo až potom mi prišiel email automaticky zo systému, že sa robí diagnostika. Volal som o dva dni neskôr, že čo je nové. Opäť, zistím a zavoláme späť. Zase nič. Len systémový email neopraviteľné. Volám opäť. Rád by som vedel, že prečo neopraviteľné, veď som súhlasil aj s výmenou riadiacej jednotky, Tak prečo? Odpoveď, zistím a zavolám Vám, pane. Prichádza automatický email, že mi to posielajú späť. Samozrejme, nikto nevolal. Neskutočná komunikácia, čistý zázrak v tejto dobe. Človek súhlasí s opravou v akomkoľvek rozsahu, len nech to je v poriadku. Vôbec sa nedozviete, či a čo je zlé a prečo to nedokázali opraviť, veď na webovej stránke majú napísané, že všetko opravia. Zavádzajú zákazníkov? Nerozumiem tomu. Dokonca ani neponúkli, že máme novú reguláciu, alebo repasovanú, nemáte záujem? Nič! Totálne sklamanie. Toto som neočakával od renomovanej spoločnosti. Zlyhanie jednotlivca? Neviem, za mňa úplný prepad dôvery a to som im veril, keď som si ich vybral pred opravou na Slovensku. Jediné čo im slúži ku cti, že za to čo robili/nerobili si nepýtali žiadne peniaze. Len náklady na dopravu späť. Naozaj nerozumiem tomuto prístupu. Za mňa sklamanie.
I chose this service because it has a page that will fix everything. I sent them photos of the unit to be repaired in advance and they confirmed that this was not a problem. I created an order stating that if there is a bad control unit I agree to the exchange and pay the full cost of the repair. After a week, I called something like they were on it. It was clear to me from the interview that they hadn't even seen it yet, because only then did I receive an email from the system that diagnostics was being done. I called two days later what was new. Again, I'll find out and call you back. Nothing again. Only system email unrepairable. I'm calling again. I would like to know why unrepairable, because I also agreed to replace the control unit, so why? Answer, I'll find out and call you, sir. An automatic email is coming to send it back to me. Of course, no one called. Unreal communication, a pure miracle at this time. One agrees to the repair to any extent, just let it be in order. You will never know if and what is wrong and why they could not fix it, because they have written on the website that they will fix everything. Are they misleading customers? I do not understand that. They didn't even offer that we have a new regulation, or a revised one, aren't you interested? Nothing! Total disappointment. I did not expect this from a reputable company. Individual failure? I don't know, a complete loss of trust for me and I believed them when I chose them before the repair in Slovakia. The only thing that honors them is that they didn't ask for money for what they did / didn't do. Only shipping costs back. I really don't understand this approach. Disappointment for me.
Jaroslav Jurco on Google

Po dvoch týždňoch písali že riadiaca jednotka opravená, jednotka namontovaná späť do vozidla tie iste chyby, tak späť na reklamáciu a potom to začalo 3tyždne stále dookola testujeme, ešte pár dní, pani na linke stále dookola tie isté naučené frázy ,nakoniec som sa dopracoval k tomu že jednotku ani neopravujú v Opave ale posielajú niekam do zahraničia. Nakoniec volala pani že jednotku nevedia opraviť a odstupujú od zmluvy a vrátia mi peniaze, dva dni nato volala iná pani ze moju neopraviteľnú jednotku si nechajú a za môj doplatok mi pošlú repasovanú. Nerozumiem že keď sa nedá opraviť na čo im je moja RJ. Nedoporučujem cele zle...
After two weeks they wrote that the control unit repaired, the unit mounted back in the vehicle the same mistakes, so back to the complaint and then it started 3 weeks still testing all the time, a few days, the lady on the line still around the same learned phrases, I finally worked on that the unit is not even repaired in Opava but they are sent somewhere abroad. Eventually, a lady called that they could not repair the unit and withdrew from the contract and returned the money to me, two days later another lady called to keep my unrepairable unit and send me a refurbished for a surcharge. I don't understand that if you can't fix what my RJ is for them. I do not recommend the whole wrong ...
Erik on Google

Good & quick service. Quality for a good price
Roman Kirschner on Google

Quick and professional service! Great experience doing business with these guys and I highly suggest you do the same if you are having issues with your control unit

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