Empírový altán

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Contact Empírový altán

Address :

Unnamed Road, 561 51 Letohrad, Czechia

Categories :
City : Letohrad

Unnamed Road, 561 51 Letohrad, Czechia
Domstr_14 on Google

Jarek Quatro on Google

Empírový altán. Na plánu města č. 7. Byl postaven v 19. století v období romantismu. Je umístěn v horní části parku.
Empire gazebo. On the city plan. 7. It was built in the 19th century Romantic period. It is located at the top of the park.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

V pravém horním rohu parkové zdi stojí otevřený empírový pavilon jako odpočívadlo, v levém horním rohu pak jako protiváha umělá jeskyně (grotta) s vyhlídkou na jihovýchodní část města. Altán byl zbudován v 19. století a nabízí působivou vyhlídku na hřbitov a Podměstí. In the upper right corner of the park wall there is an open Empire pavilion as a rest area, in the upper left corner an artificial cave (grotta) with a view of the southeastern part of the city. Built in the 19th century, the gazebo offers an impressive view of the cemetery and the suburbs.
In the upper right corner of the park wall there is an open empire pavilion as a resting place, in the upper left corner as a counterweight an artificial cave (grotta) with a view of the southeastern part of the city. The gazebo was built in the 19th century and offers an impressive view of the cemetery and the suburbs. In the upper right corner of the park wall there is an open Empire pavilion as a rest area, in the upper left corner an artificial cave (grotta) with a view of the southeastern part of the city. Built in the 19th century, the gazebo offers an impressive view of the cemetery and the suburbs.

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