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Contact Hřbitov

Address :

Svatojánská 863, 561 51 Letohrad, Czechia

Categories :
City : Letohrad

Svatojánská 863, 561 51 Letohrad, Czechia
tonyczech1 on Google

Upravené místo pro ostatky zemřelích
Arranged place for the remains of the dead
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Městský hřbitov byl zřízen v roce 1726 u farního kostela sv. Václava, rozšířen byl v letech 1744 a 1818. Malý prostor nevyhovoval potřebám města již od svého založení. Brzy nebylo kam ho rozšiřovat, jelikož kolem něj vyrostla městská zástavba. Hledalo se proto vhodné místo pro založení hřbitova nového. Za císaře Josefa II. hrozilo zrušení kaple sv. Jana Nepomuckého na Kopečku. Údajně z ní měl být zřízen panský ovčín. Místním se toto rozhodnutí pochopitelně nelíbilo, proto se snažili kapli zachránit. Nakonec ji zachránila právě potřeba nového hřbitova. Bylo rozhodnuto, že se založí pod kaplí a ta se tím stane kaplí hřbitovní. Tento návrh byl schválen. Císař zemřel a nový hřbitov byl založen až roku 1847. Kaple se již hřbitovní nestala. Nový hřbitov byl rozšířen roku 1903. Leží tu mnoho místních významných osobností. Najdeme tu i hraběcí hrobku posledních majitelů panství, Stubenbergů, v horním (jižním) rohu hřbitova. The town cemetery was established in 1726 near the parish church of St. It was enlarged in 1744 and 1818. Small space did not meet the needs of the city since its foundation. Soon there was nowhere to expand it, as the city houses were built up around it. Therefore, a suitable place was found for the foundation of a new cemetery. Emperor Joseph II. waned to abolish the chapel of st. John of Nepomuk on the hill. The locals, of course, did not like this decision, so they tried to save the chapel. Eventually it was saved by the need for a new cemetery. It was decided that it would be founded under the chapel, which would become a cemetery chapel. This proposal has been approved. The emperor died and the new cemetery was founded in 1847. But the chapel did not become a cemetery one. The new cemetery was extended in 1903. There are many important local people buried here. We can also find the Earl tomb of the last owners of the estate, the Stubenbergs (the upper southern cemetery corner).
The town cemetery was established in 1726 at the parish church of St. Wenceslas Square, was expanded in 1744 and 1818. The small space did not meet the needs of the city since its foundation. Soon there was nowhere to expand it, as urban development grew around it. Therefore, a suitable place was sought for the establishment of a new cemetery. Under Emperor Joseph II. threatened to abolish the chapel of St. Jan Nepomucký on Kopeček. It is said that a manorial sheepfold was to be established from it. Of course, the locals did not like this decision, so they tried to save the chapel. In the end, she was saved by the need for a new cemetery. It was decided that it would be founded under the chapel and it would thus become a cemetery chapel. This proposal was approved. The emperor died and the new cemetery was not founded until 1847. The chapel no longer became a cemetery. The new cemetery was enlarged in 1903. There are many important local personalities. We can also find the count's tomb of the last owners of the estate, the Stubenbergs, in the upper (southern) corner of the cemetery. The town cemetery was established in 1726 near the parish church of St. It was enlarged in 1744 and 1818. Small space did not meet the needs of the city since its foundation. Soon there was nowhere to expand it, as the city houses were built up around it. Therefore, a suitable place was found for the foundation of a new cemetery. Emperor Joseph II. waned to abolish the chapel of st. John of Nepomuk on the hill. The locals, of course, did not like this decision, so they tried to save the chapel. Eventually it was saved by the need for a new cemetery. It was decided that it would be founded under the chapel, which would become a cemetery chapel. This proposal has been approved. The emperor died and the new cemetery was founded in 1847. But the chapel did not become a cemetery one. The new cemetery was extended in 1903. There are many important local people buried here. We can also find the Earl tomb of the last owners of the estate, the Stubenbergs (the upper southern cemetery corner).

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