Umělá jeskyně Letohrad

4.5/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact Umělá jeskyně Letohrad

Address :

561 51 Letohrad, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +9
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Categories :
City : Letohrad

561 51 Letohrad, Czechia
Martina Kocourkova on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

V období romantismu vznikla v parku umělá jeskyně – grotta. Délka chodby ve skále z opuky je cca 25 m a je zakončena okny. V současné době je využita pro expozici nadpřirozených bytostí. Obývá ji drak Kyšperák a s ním spousta skřítků, bazilišků a jiných strašidýlek. Vstupenky zakoupíte v informačním centru na náměstí. Prohlídka je vhodná pro rodiny s dětmi. Trasa strašidelných prohlídek vede zámeckým parkem až k jeskyni a končí na zámku, kde provází Bílá paní. During the Romantic period an artificial cave - grotto - was created in the park. The length of the corridor in the rock from the marl is about 25 m and is terminated by windows. It is currently used for the exposition of supernatural beings. It is inhabited by the dragon Kyšperák and with it many elves, basilisks and other ghosts. Tickets are available at the information center on the square. The tour is suitable for families with children. The trail of scary tours leads through the castle park to the cave and ends at the chateau where the White Lady accompanies.
During the Romantic period, an artificial cave - a grotto - was created in the park. The length of the corridor in the marl rock is about 25 m and is terminated by windows. It is currently used for the exposure of supernatural beings. It is inhabited by the dragon Kyšperák and with it a lot of elves, basilisks and other ghosts. You can buy tickets at the information center on the square. The tour is suitable for families with children. The route of haunting tours leads through the chateau park to the cave and ends at the chateau, where the White Lady accompanies it. During the Romantic period an artificial cave - grotto - was created in the park. The length of the corridor in the rock from the marl is about 25 m and is terminated by windows. It is currently used for the exposition of supernatural beings. It is inhabited by the dragon Kyšperák and with it many elves, basilisks and other ghosts. Tickets are available at the information center on the square. The tour is suitable for families with children. The trail of scary tours leads through the castle park to the cave and ends at the chateau where the White Lady accompanies.

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