Kostel svatého Václava

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kostel svatého Václava

Address :

Československé armády, 564 01 Žamberk, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +9
Categories :
City : Žamberk

Československé armády, 564 01 Žamberk, Czechia
Jarek Quatro on Google

pěkný kostel
Nice church
Kuba Kuba on Google

Nádherný barokní kostel.
Beautiful baroque church.
Tomáš Melichárek on Google

Hodně pěkný kostel.
Very nice church.
Jiří Šimek on Google

Nejkrásnější kostel široko daleko.
The most beautiful church far and wide.
Zdeněk Hercík on Google

Krásný kostel.
Beautiful church.
janis gurutidis on Google

Z venku vypadá kostel moc hezky. Krásná barva kostela.
The church looks very nice from the outside. Beautiful color of the church.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Kostel svatého Václava v Žamberku je poprvé zmiňován roku 1348. Původní dřevěný kostel vyhořel po úderu blesku v roce 1684. Nynější podobu mu vtiskl v letech 1729-1738 chrudimský stavitel Donato Theodor Morazzi. Hlavní portál dokončil roku 1747 architekt Schüller. Z původního dřevěného kostela se dochoval jen obraz sv. Václava malovaný na cínu, který dosud visí nad sakristií. Barokní kostel je nejvyšší stavbou v Žamberku a zároveň nejmonumentálnější stavbou mistra Morazziho. Výška věží je 72 metrů, výška chrámové klenby 22 metrů, délka činí 44 metrů. The Church of St. Wenceslas in Žamberk was first mentioned in 1348. The original wooden church burnt down after a lightning strike in 1684. Its current appearance was imprinted in 1729-1738 by the Chrudim builder Donato Theodor Morazzi. The main portal was completed in 1747 by architect Schüller. From the original wooden church, only the painting of St. Wenceslas painted on tin remained - it still hangs over the sacristy. The Baroque church is the tallest building in Žamberk and at the same time the most monumental building by Master Morazzi. The height of the towers is 72 meters, the height of the church vault is 22 meters, the length is 44 meters.
The Church of St. Wenceslas in Žamberk was first mentioned in 1348. The original wooden church burned down after a lightning strike in 1684. The current appearance was imprinted on it in 1729-1738 by the Chrudim builder Donato Theodor Morazzi. The main portal was completed in 1747 by architect Schüller. Of the original wooden church, only the image of St. Wenceslas painted on tin, which still hangs over the sacristy. The Baroque church is the tallest building in Žamberk and at the same time the most monumental building of Master Morazzi. The height of the towers is 72 meters, the height of the temple vault is 22 meters, the length is 44 meters. The Church of St. Wenceslas in Žamberk was first mentioned in 1348. The original wooden church burnt down after a lightning strike in 1684. Its current appearance was imprinted in 1729-1738 by the Chrudim builder Donato Theodor Morazzi. The main portal was completed in 1747 by architect Schüller. From the original wooden church, only the painting of St. Wenceslas painted on tin remained - it still hangs over the sacristy. The Baroque church is the tallest building in Žamberk and at the same time the most monumental building by Master Morazzi. The height of the towers is 72 meters, the height of the church vault is 22 meters, the length is 44 meters.
Martin on Google

Kostel sv. Václava je se svými 72 metry nejvyšší stavbou Žamberka. Původní dřevěný kostel byl postaven ve 14. století. Nynější podobu dostal kostel v 18. století.
Church of St. With its 72 meters, Václav is the tallest building in Žamberk. The original wooden church was built in the 14th century. The church received its current appearance in the 18th century.

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