Městské muzeum Žamberk - Rodný dům Prokopa Diviše - Betlém 326/326

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Contact Městské muzeum Žamberk - Rodný dům Prokopa Diviše

Address :

Betlém 326/326, 564 01 Žamberk, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 564
Website : http://www.muzeumzamberk.cz/domek-prokopa-divise/
Categories :
City : Žamberk

Betlém 326/326, 564 01 Žamberk, Czechia
Marcus Antonius on Google

Žamberk jako pěkně komorní město se zachovalým historickým jádrem a muzeem Prokopa Diviše určitě stojí o vaši návštěvu! ❤️
Žamberk, as a pretty intimate town with a well-preserved historic core and the Prokop Diviš Museum, is definitely worth your visit! ❤️
Amálie Lískovcová on Google

Pěkné klidné místo. Hodná paní. Dozvíte se hodně věcí z tabulí. Ale má to asi jen tři cimry a je to hodně malé.
Nice quiet place. Good lady. You will learn a lot of things from the boards. But it's only about three cimeters, and it's very small.
Ondřej Kuběnka on Google

Prostě milé! Pokud chcete zažít něco autentického, jste zvědaví a nevyhledáváte zřouta času, pak jste na správném místě, na milém místě s milou expozicí a milým člověkem.
Just nice! If you want to experience something authentic, you are curious and you are not looking for a waste of time, then you are in the right place, in a nice place with a nice exposure and a nice person.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Domek Prokopa Diviše se nachází na okraji Žamberka u helvíkovického mostu. V roce 1965 zde byla otevřena expozice, která se Divišovi a jeho vynálezu věnuje, dozvíte se zde podrobnosti o jeho životě a dráze kněze, na louce před domkem dokonce můžete spatřit maketu bleskosvodu. Prokop Diviš (1698-1765) se narodil v Helvíkovicích u Žamberka a je známý především jako vynálezce zemněného bleskovodu, tento bleskosvod sestrojil dříve (1754) než světově uznávaný vynálezce bleskosvodu Benjamin Franklin (1760). Divišova koncepce byla odlišná od Franklinovy, protože byl bleskosvod uzemněný, a proto fungoval lépe. Prokop Diviš's house is located on the outskirts of Žamberk by the Helvíkovice bridge. In 1965 there was opened an exhibition dedicated to Diviš and his invention, you will find here details of his life and the path of the priest, in the meadow in front of the house you can even see a dummy of lightning conductor. Prokop Diviš (1698-1765) was born in Helvíkovice near Žamberk and is known primarily as the inventor of the grounded lightning conductor. Diviš's concept was different from Franklin's because the lightning conductor was grounded and therefore worked better.
Prokop Diviš's house is located on the outskirts of Žamberk by the Helvíkovice bridge. In 1965, an exhibition was opened here, which deals with Diviš and his invention, you will learn details about his life and the career of a priest, in the meadow in front of the house you can even see a model of a lightning rod. Prokop Diviš (1698-1765) was born in Helvíkovice near Žamberk and is known primarily as the inventor of the grounded lightning conductor, this lightning conductor was built earlier (1754) than the world-renowned inventor of the lightning conductor Benjamin Franklin (1760). Diviš's concept was different from Franklin's because the lightning rod was grounded and therefore worked better. Prokop Diviš's house is located on the outskirts of Žamberk by the Helvíkovice bridge. In 1965 there was opened an exhibition dedicated to Diviš and his invention, you will find here details of his life and the path of the priest, in the meadow in front of the house you can even see a dummy of lightning conductor. Prokop Diviš (1698-1765) was born in Helvíkovice near Žamberk and is known primarily as the inventor of the grounded lightning conductor. Diviš's concept was different from Franklin's because the lightning conductor was grounded and therefore worked better.
Pavel Peňaška on Google

Směrová tabulka mě k němu nalákala, dokonce jsem se tři kilometry vracel, abych se podíval blíž...
The direction sign lured me to him, I even returned three kilometers to look closer ...
Marie Glöckner on Google

Zajímavá záležitost, vynikající průvodce. Rozhodně stojí za návštěvu.
Interesting affair, excellent guide. Definitely worth a visit.
Luciyeee on Google

Pěkně zpracovaná výstava o zdejším rodáku, ač by si zasloužila modernizaci. Informací jsme se dozvěděli mnoho, a velkou výhodou bylo, že jsme si paní průvodkyni doslova zavolali - bydlí naproti. ;-)
A nicely crafted exhibition about a local native, although it deserves modernization. We learned a lot of information, and the big advantage was that we literally called the guide - she lives opposite. ;-)
Mi Kieretin on Google

Expozice má nejméně třicet let po své životnosti, je jasné, že to není turistická atrakce číslo jedna, ale přeci jen... Stavení je to pěkné, bleskosvod stojí a to je to hlavní. Průvodkyně je na telefonu, ale hlavně bydlí hned naproti domečku.
The exhibition is at least thirty years old, it is clear that it is not the number one tourist attraction, but still ... The building is nice, the lightning rod is standing and that's the main thing. The guide is on the phone, but mainly lives directly opposite the house.

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