Ferticare Prague

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ferticare Prague

Address :

Radlická 3185, 150 00 Praha 5-Smíchov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +997
Website : https://www.ferticare.eu/
Categories :
City : Praha 5 Smíchov

Radlická 3185, 150 00 Praha 5-Smíchov, Czechia
Lenka Šefrnová on Google

Doporučuji. Utekla jsem z Podolí do ráje. Ferticare je krásné a milé prostředí. Špičkové stroje a čisto. Doktoři i sestřičky jsou převážně ženy. Doktorku doporučuji paní Košťákovou a sestřičku slečnu Hlouškovou. Radost je navštívit. Jsou to profesionálové.
Michaela Jäger on Google

Wir dürfen Dank der überaus kompetenten Klinik und der hervorragenden Unterstützung von Frau Dr. Kostakova und Lucie endlich unser größtes Glück in den Armen halten. Nach unglaublichen 18 Jahren Kinderwunsch, etlichen Transferen in Deutschland und zahlreichen Fehlgeburten haben Fr. Dr. Kostakova und die liebe Lucie das unmöglich scheinende möglich gemacht. Mit viel Liebe, Geduld und Einfühlungsvermögen wurden wir hier von der ersten bis zur letzten Minute perfekt begleitet. Wir können nur jedem mit einem bislang unerfüllten Kinderwunsch diese Klinik empfehlen (und wir haben einige Kliniken auf unserem Weg zum Wunschkind kennengelernt)! Es gibt wirklich nichts, was wir zu beanstanden gehabt hätten. Wir sind der phantastischen Lucie und unserer Lieben Ärztin unendlich dankbar und kommen die Klinik sicher bald einmal mit unserem wundervollen Sohn besuchen. Vielen vielen Dank!!!!
Helena on Google

Rádi bychom poděkovali klinice Ferticare Praha, díky které máme zdravou a krásnou dceru, za což jsme jim nesmírně vděčni. Díky patří nejen MUDr. Košťákové, ale i celému týmu. Všichni na klinice byli profesionální, ale zároveň při každé naší návštěvě a kontrole milí a empatičtí. S každou otázkou nebo problémem jsme se na ně mohli obrátit, vždy nám pomohli, vyšli vstříc, nikdy nás neodmítli. Ferticare můžeme opravdu jen doporučit. Chceme celé klinice poděkovat za štěstí, které nás díky nim potkalo.
We would like to thank the Ferticare Prague clinic, thanks to which we have a healthy and beautiful daughter, for which we are extremely grateful. Thanks belong not only to MUDr. Košťáková, but also the whole team. Everyone at the clinic was professional, but at the same time nice and empathetic during each of our visits and inspections. With every question or problem, we could turn to them, they always helped us, they met, they never rejected us. We can really only recommend Ferticare. We want to thank the whole clinic for the happiness that came to us thanks to them.
Helena Antic on Google

Moje zkušenost s personálem na recepci a sestřičkami je velmi příjemná, vždy jsou všechny ochotné a usměvavé. Mudr. Lenertová skvělá lékařka, mohu jen doporučit, okamžitě velmi pečlivě řešila všechny moje problémy. Za mne osobně skvělá klinika.
My experience with the staff at the reception and the nurses is very pleasant, everyone is always helpful and smiling. Mudr. Lenert, a great doctor, I can only recommend, immediately solved all my problems very carefully. Great clinic for me personally.
Christiane Schneider on Google

Wir waren sehr zufrieden in der Klinik. Nach mehreren erfolglosen Versuchen in ihrer Klinik, wurden verschiedenen Therapien und Medikamente eingesetzt. Danach war die Schwangerschaft erfolgreich und wir haben einen gesunden Sohn. Auch die Koordination und Kontakte mit der Koordinatorin waren zeitnah und verständlich. Sehr freundlich und verständnisvoll. Vielen Dank an das gesamte Team
We were very happy at the clinic. After several unsuccessful attempts at her clinic, various therapies and drugs were used. After that, the pregnancy was successful and we have a healthy son. The coordination and contacts with the coordinator were also prompt and understandable. Very friendly and understanding. Thanks to the whole team
Denise Sullivan on Google

We had failed ivf treatments in Ireland so we decided to look into Prague, a clinic there was recommended to us. Unfortunately we had no success and our second experience at the clinic was not great. We made our decision to have one more round but we wanted to change clinics but is just so many to choose from it’s impossible, so we contacted medistella and they asked what we wanted from a clinic and they came up with two matches for us….One of the clinics was well known to us from Facebook groups the other I’d never heard of, is was called Ferticare. After having a consultation with them and meeting Marta who was not only my coordinator she was also a qualified nurse, we clicked and Marta went above and beyond, she was absolutely amazing ,warm and just a beautiful person who always made time for us…. Nothing was a problem questions where answered even on her own time…. Marta and the doctor where amazing and we are happy to say our journey did have a wonderful end as we have a little girl born in June 2022. Honestly I could not recommend this clinic enough even on the day of transfer I told Marta I would see her soon, I was that happy with my experience and was so used to the failure I was happy to go back, sounds mad but that is the truth. Ferticare is an amazing clinic and Marta is an angel on earth.
Anna Vilner on Google

It is very professional clinic with clients on focus view. They always pick up the phone and tried to help. The doctors are great there. I recommend the clinic.
Lenny KV on Google

It is impossible to describe how grateful we are for this most precious gift ever existing! ❤️ Wonderful and warm staff, very professional approach, always available even during the weekends. After 7 years of struggle Ferticare has given us chance to be a family. We now have a beautiful and strong baby boy!!!

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