3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact FINEP CZ a.s.

Address :

1, Havlíčkova 1030, Nové Město, 110 00 Praha, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha

1, Havlíčkova 1030, Nové Město, 110 00 Praha, Czechia
Matěj Rejman on Google

Kupoval jsem byt od FINEPu zhruba asi 2 měsíce zpátky v Divoké Šárce. Za sebe mohu doporučit, setkal jsem se s profesionálním jednáním a už se těším do nového bydlení!
I bought an apartment from FINEP about 2 months ago in Divoká Šárka. I can recommend for myself, I have met a professional meeting and I am already looking forward to new housing!
František Petránek on Google

Prodej bytu, bylo jediné správné rozhodnutí po dobu vlastnictví jednoho z mnoha projektu této společnosti. Přirovnal bych to k výhře v loterii.
Selling an apartment was the only right decision during the ownership of one of the company's many projects. I would compare it to winning the lottery.
Jan Lokvenc on Google

Zakoupili jsme byt již po prvním majiteli a máme velmi špatnou zkušenost. Připravte se na vysokou hlučnost. Oproti starému bytu uslyšíte od sousedů mnohem více. Slyšíte také zvuky z koupelny. Není to chyba jednoho bytu, ale podobný problém mají i sousedé. V bytě jsme vydrželi asi 4 měsíce a poté jsme se museli znovu stěhovat. Velmi dobře si zvažte koupi a každému doporučuji si před koupí vyzkoušet pronajmout byt v postavených projektech.
We bought the apartment after the first owner and we have a very bad experience. Prepare for high noise. Compared to the old apartment, you will hear much more from the neighbors. You can also hear sounds from the bathroom. It is not the fault of one apartment, but the neighbors have a similar problem. We stayed in the apartment for about 4 months and then we had to move again. Consider the purchase very well and I recommend everyone to try to rent an apartment in built projects before buying.
Petr Dibon on Google

Great developer, awesome customer service.
Ana Kovacevic on Google

Don't bother. No answer to emails, no answer to calls, no calling back. Really bad and unprofessional. Waste of time.
Mani Bushan Reddy on Google

Finep against selling to foreigners ( English speaking )
Gopal Krishnan shankar subramanian on Google

Why do you even bother to advertise when you can't reply to a single email or phone call.One of the worst in Prague hopefully competition kicks you out ...
Artur Krotkov on Google

Why do you publish info in English on your website when you don't even try to speak English when we call you? I mean, it's perfectly fine that some specific representative does not speak English but there was not even weak attempt to help or find someone capable of helping. Very rude response. It's especially weird since expats purchase quite significant share of new apartments.

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