FIX Servis

3.5/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact FIX Servis

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U Měšťanského pivovaru 11, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice, Czechia

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City : Praha 7 Holešovice

U Měšťanského pivovaru 11, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice, Czechia
Hana Kolářová on Google

Široká nabídka služeb, vše tzv. "pod jednou střechou". Kvalitní provedení prací. Doporučuji.
Wide range of services, all so-called "under one roof". Quality work. I recommend.
Lucie Knoflickova on Google

Nedávno jsme budovali nové jádro a chtěli mít všechny práce od jedné firmy a hlavně hotovo co nejdříve. Našli jsme si tuto firmu a s jejich prací jsme spokojeni. Vše proběhlo dle domluvy, rychle. Až budeme příště něco budovat (doufám, že si teď od toho na dlouuhou dobu odpočineme :-), opět bych neváhala svěřit to Fix Servisu.
Recently, we were building a new core and wanted to have all the work from one company and most of all done as soon as possible. We have found this company and we are satisfied with their work. Everything went by arrangement, quickly. The next time we build something (I hope we will rest for a long time :-), I would not hesitate to entrust it to Fix Service.
Karel Fuchs on Google

Mám k p. Balcarovy velké výhrady. Tu práci jsem odvedl se souhlasem jeho jména a byla zhotovená fotodokumentace která byla panu přeposílána. Všechny kroky byly schváleny. A ještě si vymyslel výcepráce. A pak když přišlo takzvaně na lámání chleba tak nechtěl zaplatit. Já mám všechny fotky a nemám problém je zdílet. Práce byla zhotovena kvalitně. S pozdravem Karel Fuchs.
I have big reservations about Mr Balcar's. I did the work with the consent of his name and a photo documentation was made, which was forwarded to Mr.. All steps were approved. And he came up with a workout. And then when it came to so-called bread breaking, he didn't want to pay. I have all the photos and I have no problem sharing them. The work was made well. Sincerely, Karel Fuchs.
Petr Balcar on Google

Doporučuji spíše na jednodušší akce. Malba opravdu špatná. Zkažená nivelace podlahy. Svérazné technologické postupy - nivelace podlahy se nechá "vykvést" a pak se opravuje. Nivelační stěrka se stahuje latí, ještě jednou se přestěrkovává a pak brousí. Majitel ovšem komunikuje sebevědomě - to se musí nechat.
I recommend it for simpler events. Painting really bad. Spoiled leveling of the floor. Peculiar technological procedures - leveling the floor is allowed to "bloom" and then repaired. The leveling trowel is removed with a lath, over-painted once more and then ground. However, the owner communicates confidently - that must be allowed.
Daniel D on Google

Dohodnuté práce na bytě proběhli v čas a za domluvený rozpočet. Jsem velice spokojený jak s cenou tak kvalitou. Pan Šiška velmi dobře komunikuje a jsem rád, že poradí a řekne na rovinu, co má a nemá smysl.
The agreed work on the apartment took place on time and on the agreed budget. I am very satisfied with both the price and the quality. Mr. Šiška communicates very well and I am glad that he will advise and say on a straight line what makes and doesn't make sense.
Helena Kroupova on Google

Tato firma me velmi zklamala, ze zacatku dohoda a jednani v pohode s panem Siskou, udelal se plan praci. Postupne se udelalo co bylo nejnutnejsi, ale porad jsem pro firmu byla jen klient bokem pri pracich, ktere meli rozdelane jinde. Asi jsem nebyla pro firmu moc vyhodny klient, takze se u me delalo jen, kdyz byl zrovna cas, podle toho vypadala i prace. Napr. jsem chtela, aby se nejdrive futra a zdi trochu ocistily, z toho se nic nestalo, zdi malir pretrel primo na puvodni spinave natery, hlavne u dcery v pokoji, kde to bylo opravdu potreba! Pretreno rovnou barvou to bylo i pres me opakovane zadosti a prosby. Dale jsem pozadovala penetraci na strope nad sprchovym koutem nez se zacne malovat, aby nevznikali boule od pary, take se neudelalo a boule tam mam po mesici zpet! Vymenovali se stare dvere za nove, tim se odreli na nekolika mistech nove natrena ( spatne ) futra. Když jsem pak chtela po panu Siskovi projit byt a udelat opravy tak to uz byl po zaplaceni problem! Stale dokola, ze maji neco jineho a ze se ozve a ze nema porad cas. To jsem uz ani nemela sanci si rici o dalsi dodelavky na byte, ktere byli původně od pana Sisky slibene. Tak jsem chtela aspon doresit opravy, ktere jsem mela v cene, uplne bez sance a tecka za tim vsim je, ze pan Siska odvezl stare vchodove dvere i s jmenovkou. Nekolikrat jsem pana Sisku urgovala a nabizela ze mi jmenovku muze hodit do schranky, nebo, kdyz pojede okolo me prace, ze si ji samozrejme vyzvednu. Dopadlo to tak, ze jsem se jmenovky nedockala a koupila si novou. Ano, v tomto pripade jde jen o prkotinu, ale me jde o princip, jak se pan Siska k tomu stavel. Jen sliby a ja jen nekolik tydnu a mesicu cekala na kontrolu bytu, oprav a cedulku na dvere. Takze za me velmi nespolehliva firma a rozhodme nedoporucuji!!! Nejsem zadny zakaznik prudic, jde mi jen o seriozni jednani s klientem a ne se porad na neco vymlouvat.
This company disappointed me very much that at the beginning of the agreement and negotiations with Mr. Siska, a work plan was made. Gradually, what was necessary was done, but the meeting for the company was just a client sideways for the work they had distributed elsewhere. I probably wasn't a very convenient client for the company, so it only happened to me when there was time, the work looked like that. E.g. I wanted the fur and the walls to be cleaned up a bit first, nothing happened, the wall painter painted directly on the original dirty paint, especially with my daughter in a room where it was really needed! Broken with a straight color, it was despite me repeated requests and requests. I also demanded penetration on the ceiling above the shower before it starts to paint, so that there are no bumps from the steam, it also doesn't happen and I have the bumps back there after a month! The old doors were named new ones, thus rubbing new painted (bad) furs in several places. When I wanted to go through Mr. Sisk's apartment and make repairs, it was already a problem after payment! All the time, they have something else and they call and they don't have time. I didn't even have a chance to talk about other finishing touches to the apartment, which were originally promised by Mr. Siska. So at least I wanted to finish the repairs that I had included, completely without a chance, and the bottom line is that Mr. Siska took away the old front door with a name tag. I urged Mr. Siska several times and offered to throw my name tag in the mailbox, or if he passed work, of course I would pick it up. As it turned out, I didn't get the name tags and bought a new one. Yes, in this case it is just a matter of grief, but I am concerned with the principle of how Mr Siska approached it. Only promises and I waited a few weeks and months to check the apartment, repairs and a sign on the door. So for me a very unreliable company and I definitely do not recommend !!! I am not a customer of Prudice, I am just talking about serious negotiations with the client and not a meeting to make excuses.

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