Hradiště Stará Kouřim - Hradiště Stará Kouřim

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hradiště Stará Kouřim

Address :

281 61 Kouřim, Czechia

Postal code : 281
Categories :
City : Kouřim

281 61 Kouřim, Czechia
Alena Šmejkalová on Google

Antonin Pavlicek on Google

Nic tam není
There's nothing there
Filip Stradal on Google

Krásný výlet.
A beautiful trip.
Ivan Bok on Google

Zajímavý areál.
An interesting area.
Jiří Guth on Google

Působivé, velkolepé, dobře popsané, krásné rozhledy.
Impressive, magnificent, well described, beautiful views.
Lukáš Hrabal on Google

Příjemný a poučný okruh kolem Kouřimi. Trasa je dlouhá 3,5 km.
A pleasant and informative circuit around Kouřim. The route is 3.5 km long.
Ladislav Coufal on Google

Velice důležité hradiště pro český stát. Měl by jej vidět každý.
A very important fortified settlement for the Czech state. Everyone should see it.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Stará Kouřim je zcela vyjimečným objektem, který nemá v České kotlině srovnání. Šlo o významné (ne-li nejvýznamnější) mocenské středisko v Čechách druhé poloviny 9. století a první poloviny století desátého o rozloze 44 ha. Hradiště je na severovýchodní straně opevněno třemi pásy valů, z nichž ten vnější, nejníže položený, má délku 1320 m (dodnes dosahuje výšky 3 – 4 metry), střední val 820 m a vnitřní val 400 m. Nejstarší osídlení bylo zaznamenáno v prostoru Libušina jezírka, kde byly odkryty nálezy více 150 hrobů, mnohdy s bohatou výzdobou. První Slované se na ostrožně usídlili již v 6. století a postupně osídlili a opevnili celý areál s využitím starších, neolitických prvků opevnění. V 1. polovině 9. století vzniklo v nejjižnější části areálu hradiště Zličanů. Vstup do hradiště chránila velkolepá, 15 metrů široká dvojitá brána s věží a úzkými průchody po stranách, před kterou byl 5 metrů hluboký a 12 metrů široký příkop. Na počátku 10 století došlo k požáru, po kterém bylo hradiště v letech 910 – 930 nebo 940 znovu opevněno a celé přestavěno. Na akropoli vzniklo na místě starší halové stavby (o rozměrech 4-6 metrů x 90 metrů!) sídlo místní elity – velké srubové stavby, které lze interpretovat jako dvorec. Stará Kouřim, jako sídlo nepřemyslovských knížat, zanikla za vlády Boleslava I. v polovině 10. století, při přemyslovském sjednocování Čech. Nové, již přemyslovské centrum, bylo založeno na sousední ostrožně (zvané U sv. Jiří), kde vznikl jeden z našich nejstarších hradů. "The Old Kouřim" is a completely unique object, which has no comparison in Czech. It was an important (if not the most important) power center in Bohemia in the second half of the 9th century and the first half of the tenth century with an area of ​​44 ha. The hill is fortified on the northeastern side by three strips of valleys, the outermost one of which is 1320 m long, it has a lenght of 820 m and a inner valley of 400 m. The oldest settlement was recorded in the area of ​​"Libušino pond", where more than 150 graves were uncovered, some of these with rich decorations. The first Slavs settled in the sixth century and gradually settled and fortified the whole area with the use of older, neolithic elements of the fortifications. In the first half of the 9th century, it was built in the southernmost part as the Zličany-tribe settlement grounds. The entrance to the fortification protected a spectacular, 15-meter wide double gate with a tower and narrow passages on the sides, ahead of which was a 5 meter deep and 12 meter wide trench. At the beginning of the 10th century the area was destroyed by a fire, after which the fortification was restored and rebuilt in 910-930 or 940. A large log structure that can be interpreted as a yard of the local elite´s was built on the site of an older building (measuring 4-6 meters x 90 meters!) in the area of acropolis. Stará Kouřim ceased to exist (as the seat of the non-Premyslid princes) during the reign of Boleslav I in the middle of the 10th century, during the Premyslid unification of Bohemia. The new - already Premyslid Center, was based on a neighboring spur (called St. Jiří), where one of our oldest castles was built.
Stará Kouřim is a completely exceptional object that has no comparison in the Czech Basin. It was an important (if not the most important) center of power in Bohemia in the second half of the 9th century and the first half of the tenth century with an area of ​​44 ha. Hradiště is fortified on the northeast side by three strips of ramparts, of which the outer, lowest, is 1320 m long (still reaches a height of 3-4 meters), the middle rampart 820 m and the inner rampart 400 m. The oldest settlement was recorded in the Libušina lake area, where the finds of more than 150 graves were discovered, often with rich decoration. The first Slavs settled on the guard in the 6th century and gradually settled and fortified the entire area with the use of older, Neolithic elements of fortifications. In the first half of the 9th century, the Zličany fortified settlement was established in the southernmost part of the complex. The entrance to the fort was protected by a magnificent, 15 meter wide double gate with a tower and narrow passages on the sides, in front of which was a 5 meter deep and 12 meter wide moat. At the beginning of the 10th century there was a fire, after which the fort was fortified again in the years 910 - 930 or 940 and completely rebuilt. On the acropolis, the seat of the local elite was built on the site of an older hall building (measuring 4-6 meters x 90 meters!) - large log buildings that can be interpreted as a courtyard. Stará Kouřim, as the seat of non-Přemyslid princes, disappeared during the reign of Boleslav I in the middle of the 10th century, during the Přemyslid unification of Bohemia. The new, already Přemyslid center, was founded on the neighboring watchtower (called U sv. Jiří), where one of our oldest castles was built. "The Old Kouřim" is a completely unique object, which has no comparison in Czech. It was an important (if not the most important) power center in Bohemia in the second half of the 9th century and the first half of the tenth century with an area of ​​44 ha. The hill is fortified on the northeastern side by three strips of valleys, the outermost one of which is 1320 m long, it has a lenght of 820 m and an inner valley of 400 m. The oldest settlement was recorded in the area of "Libušino pond", where more than 150 graves were uncovered, some of these with rich decorations. The first Slavs settled in the sixth century and gradually settled and fortified the whole area with the use of older, neolithic elements of the fortifications. In the first half of the 9th century, it was built in the southernmost part as the Zličany-tribe settlement grounds. The entrance to the fortification protected a spectacular, 15-meter wide double gate with a tower and narrow passages on the sides, ahead of which was a 5 meter deep and 12 meter wide trench. At the beginning of the 10th century the area was destroyed by a fire, after which the fortification was restored and rebuilt in 910-930 or 940. A large log structure that can be interpreted as a yard of the local elite´s was built on the site of an older building (measuring 4-6 meters x 90 meters!) in the area of ​​acropolis. Stará Kouřim ceased to exist (as the seat of the non-Premyslid princes) during the reign of Boleslav I in the middle of the 10th century, during the Premyslid unification of Bohemia. The new - already Premyslid Center, was based on a neighboring spur (called St. Jiří), where one of our oldest castles was built.

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