Hřbitov Líbeznice - Hovorčovická 388

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Contact Hřbitov Líbeznice

Address :

Hovorčovická 388, 250 65 Líbeznice, Czechia

Postal code : 250
Categories :
City : Líbeznice

Hovorčovická 388, 250 65 Líbeznice, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Rozsáhlý komplex areálu kostela sv. Martina, obehnaný dvěma prstenci zdiva je situován přímo ve středu obce. Jádro areálu tvoří stavba kostela se hezky udržovaným hřbitovem se samostatnou vnitřní ohradní zdí obdélného půdorysu. Vnější zeď je prolomena třemi branami, hlavní pilířová brána je na západní straně, boční vstupy na severní a jižní straně. Ve východní části areálu stávala márnice, která však byla stržena. Na východní straně stojí i pomník "Věčná památka hrdinům", který byl zbudován po 2. světové válce na oslavu padlým vojákům sovětské armády. Dále jižním směrem stojí nová budova, zřejmě místo márnice nebo jako skladové prostory pro potřeby hřbitova. Zdejší kostel svatého Martina z Tours je dominantou Líbeznic. Nechal ho vybudovat hrabě Nostic v letech 1788 až 1795 jako náhradu za starší kostel z 13. nebo 14. století. Do konce roku 2005 byl kostel farním. K 1. lednu 2006 byla líbeznická farnost zrušena a její území přičleněno k farnosti v Odolena Vodě. Nedělní bohoslužby zůstaly zachovány. Extensive complex of the Church of St. Martin, surrounded by two rings of masonry is situated right in the center of the village. The core of the complex consists of a church building with a well-kept cemetery with a separate internal enclosure wall of rectangular ground plan. The outer wall is broken by three gates, the main pillar gate is on the west side, side entrances on the north and south sides. In the eastern part of the complex there used to be a morgue, but it was demolished. On the eastern side is a monument "Eternal monument to the heroes", which was built after World War II to celebrate the fallen soldiers of the Soviet army. Further south there is a new building, probably a mortuary or as a storage space for the cemetery. The local church of St. Martin of Tours is a landmark of Líbeznice. It was built by Count Nostic between 1788 and 1795 as a replacement for an older church from the 13th or 14th centuries. Until the end of 2005 the church was a parish one. As of 1 January 2006, the parish of Líbeznice was abolished and its territory was added to the parish in Odolena Voda. Sunday services were preserved.
Extensive complex of the Church of St. Martin, surrounded by two rings of masonry is situated right in the center of the village. The core of the complex is a church building with a well-kept cemetery with a separate internal enclosure wall of rectangular ground plan. The outer wall is broken by three gates, the main pillar gate is on the west side, side entrances on the north and south sides. In the eastern part of the complex there used to be a morgue, but it was pulled down. On the eastern side is a monument "Eternal monument to the heroes", which was built after World War II to celebrate the fallen soldiers of the Soviet army. Further south is a new building, probably a mortuary or as a storage space for the cemetery. The local church of St. Martin of Tours is a landmark of Líbeznice. It was built by Count Nostic between 1788 and 1795 as a replacement for an older church from the 13th or 14th centuries. By the end of 2005 the church was a parish church. As of 1 January 2006, the parish of lovers was abolished and its territory was added to the parish in Odolena Voda. Sunday services were preserved. Extensive Complex of the Church Martin is located in the center of the village, surrounded by two rings of masonry. The core of the complex consists of a church building with a well-kept cemetery with a separate internal enclosure wall of rectangular ground plan. The outer wall is broken by three gates, the main pillar gate is on the west side, side entrances on the north and south sides. In the eastern part of the complex there was used to be a morgue, but it was demolished. On the eastern side is a monument "Eternal monument to the heroes", which was built after World War II to celebrate the fallen soldiers of the Soviet army. Further south there is a new building, probably a mortuary or as a storage space for the cemetery. The local church Martin of Tours is a landmark of Libeznice. It was built by Count Nostic between 1788 and 1795 as a replacement for the older church from the 13th or 14th centuries. Until the end of 2005 the church was a parish. As of 1 January 2006, the parish of Líbeznice was abolished and its territory was added to the parish in Odolena Voda. Sunday services were preserved.

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