Správa Pražských Hřbitovů - Ďáblická 564/2a

5/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact Správa Pražských Hřbitovů

Address :

Ďáblická 564/2a, 180 00 Ďáblice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +889
Postal code : 180
Website : http://www.hrbitovy.cz/%3Fcat%3D11
Categories :
City : Ďáblice

Ďáblická 564/2a, 180 00 Ďáblice, Czechia
Anthony Welch on Google

Už jsem o tomto podával recenz ale přidám že v nedávné době byla zrestaurovaná celá obvodová zeď která to potřebovala už několik let,profesionálním způsobem,že se tam Gabčíkovi a Kubišovi bude nejmíň 50 let dobře odpočívat
I have already given a review on this but I add that recently, the entire perimeter wall has been restored, which it needs for several years, in a professional way that Gabcik and Kubis will have at least 50 years of good rest there
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Správa Pražských Hřbitovů je přízpěvková organizace zajišťuje provoz a správu 29 z celkem 70 pražských hřbitovů. Navíc nabízí komentované procházky po hřbitovech, o které se stará. Možnost navštívit Ďáblický hřbitov v doprovodu průvodce mě zaujala a nenechám si takovou příležitost ujít. Ďáblický hřbitov je jediným kubistickým hřbitovem v Čechách. Přestože je současná podoba hřbitova jen torzem původního projektu, přesto vás překvapí svoji velikostí. Stavbu vyprojektoval jeden z nejvýznamnějších architektů období kubismu Vlastislav Hofman. The Prague Cemetery Administration is a contributory organization providing the operation and administration of 29 out of 70 Prague cemeteries. In addition it offers guided walks through cemeteries that it takes cares of. The opportunity to visit the Ďáblice's great Cemetery accompanied by a guide captivated me and I will not miss such an opportunity. The Ďáblice's Cemetery is the only Cubist cemetery in Bohemia. Although the present cemetery is just a torso of the original project, it will surprise you with it´s size. The object was designed by one of the most important architects of the Cubist period, Vlastislav Hofman.
The Prague Cemeteries Administration is a contributory organization providing operation and administration of 29 out of a total of 70 Prague Cemeteries. In addition, it offers guided walks through the cemeteries, which it takes care of. The opportunity to visit the Devil's Cemetery accompanied by a guide fascinated me and I will not miss such an opportunity. The Devil's Cemetery is the only Cubist cemetery in Bohemia. Although the current appearance of the cemetery is only a torso of the original project, it will still surprise you with its size. The building was designed by one of the most important architects of the Cubist period, Vlastislav Hofman. The Prague Cemetery Administration is a contributory organization providing the operation and administration of 29 out of 70 Prague cemeteries. In addition it offers guided walks through cemeteries that it takes cares of. The opportunity to visit the Ďáblice's great Cemetery accompanied by a guide captivated me and I will not miss such an opportunity. The Ďáblice's Cemetery is the only Cubist cemetery in Bohemia. Although the present cemetery is just a torso of the original project, it will surprise you with it´s size. The object was designed by one of the most important architects of the Cubist period, Vlastislav Hofman.

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