Hus chapel - Husovo nám. 378

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hus chapel

Address :

Husovo nám. 378, 104 00 Praha 22-Uhříněves, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +98
Postal code : 104
Categories :
City : Praha Uhříněves

Husovo nám. 378, 104 00 Praha 22-Uhříněves, Czechia
Jana Martínková on Google

petr syneček on Google

Iveta Madlova on Google

Kaple s výbornou atmosférou.
Chapel with a great atmosphere.
Miroslav Zitta on Google

Příjemná budova
Nice building
Petr Pauš on Google

Už postarší a trochu oprýskaná kaple na malém náměstíčku-parku. Je zde pokégym a portály v Ingressu.
Already an elderly and a little peeling chapel in a small square-park. There is a pokégym and portals in Ingress.
Roman Šiška on Google

Příjemné oddechové místo, navštívili jsme zde koncert ženského sboru s vánoční tématikou a moc se nám to libilo, pan farář měl úvodní slovo, je sympatický a příjemně se poslouchal.
Pleasant relax place, we visited a concert of women's choir with a Christmas theme and we liked it very much, the pastor had an introductory word, he is nice and listened pleasantly.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Evangelický kostel byl vystavěn ve 20. letech 20. století podle návrhu pražského architekta Josefa Blechy. Od roku 1962 se v něm konají pravidelná shromáždění. Základní kámen stavby byl položen 1. července 1923, slavnostní otevření proběhlo 7. září 1924. Významným přelomem v životě sboru se stal rok 1962 – tehdy byla zahájena tradice pravidelných ekumenických shromáždění. Koncem 70. let proběhla rekonstrukce kostela a sborových prostor. Opravený kostel byl otevřen 14. října 1984, návrh jeho interiéru je dílem architektky Marie Jiříčkové. The Evangelical Church was built in the 1920s according to a design by Prague architect Josef Blecha. Since 1962 the regular meetings has been held here. The foundation stone of the building was laid on July 1, 1923, the grand opening took place on September 7, 1924. The year 1962 became a significant turning point in the life of the congregation - at that time the tradition of regular ecumenical gatherings began. At the end of the 1970s the church was reconstructed. It was opened on October 14, 1984, with its interior designed by architect Marie Jiříčková.
The Evangelical Church was built in the 1920s according to a design by Prague architect Josef Blecha. Since 1962 it has held regular meetings. The foundation stone of the building was laid on July 1, 1923, and the grand opening took place on September 7, 1924. The year 1962 became an important turning point in the life of the congregation - at that time the tradition of regular ecumenical meetings began. At the end of the 1970s, the church and church premises were reconstructed. The reconstructed church was opened on October 14, 1984, its interior was designed by architect Marie Jiříčková. The Evangelical Church was built in the 1920s according to the design by Prague architect Josef Blecha. Since 1962 the regular meetings have been held here. The foundation stone of the building was laid on July 1, 1923, the grand opening took place on September 7, 1924. The year 1962 became a significant turning point in the life of the congregation - at that time the tradition of regular ecumenical gatherings began . At the end of the 1970s the church was reconstructed. It was opened on October 14, 1984, with its interior designed by architect Marie Jiříčková.
Pasi J. Pakkala on Google

Small and basic chapel.

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