Hussite Church - U Hřiště 318

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Contact Hussite Church

Address :

U Hřiště 318, 252 67 Tuchoměřice, Czechia

Postal code : 252
Categories :
City : Tuchoměřice

U Hřiště 318, 252 67 Tuchoměřice, Czechia
Zdeněk Břeň on Google

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Veronika Ford on Google

Krásný malý kostelík.
Beautiful little church.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Moderní kostel Církve československé husitské byl zbudován v roce 1931. Autorem stavby je architekt Ladislav Čapek a výstavba proběhla za přispění členů místní náboženské obce. Obdélná stavba s obdélnou sakristií ukrývá v interiéru sochu Krista od sochaře Josefa Drahoňovského. V kostelní věži jsou zavěšeny tři zvony - Maria matka Páně, Mistr Jan Hus a Patriarcha dr. Karel Farský. Stavba je zařazena do soupisu uměleckých památek Čech. The modern church of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church was built in 1931. The author of the building is the architect Ladislav Čapek and the construction was carried out with the help of members of the local religious community. The rectangular building with a rectangular sacristy hides in the interior a statue of Christ by the sculptor Josef Drahoňovský. Three bells are hung in the church tower - Mary the Mother of the Lord, Master Jan Hus and Patriarch Dr. Karel Farský. The building is included in the list of artistic monuments of Czech Republic.
The modern church of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church was built in 1931. The author of the building is the architect Ladislav Čapek and the construction was carried out with the help of members of the local religious community. The rectangular building with a rectangular sacristy hides in the interior a statue of Christ by the sculptor Josef Drahoňovský. Three bells are hung in the church tower - Mary the Mother of the Lord, Master Jan Hus and Patriarch Dr. Karel Farský. The building is included in the list of artistic monuments of Bohemia. The modern church of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church was built in 1931. The author of the building is the architect Ladislav Čapek and the construction was carried out with the help of members of the local religious community. The rectangular building with a rectangular sacristy hides in the interior a statue of Christ by the sculptor Josef Drahoňovský. Three bells are hung in the church tower - Mary the Mother of the Lord, Master Jan Hus and Patriarch Dr. Karel Farský. The building is included in the list of artistic monuments of Czech Republic.

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