Husův sbor CČSH

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About Husův sbor CČSH

28 ŘÍJ Bohoslužba k výročí republiky v Hradci Králové

Contact Husův sbor CČSH

Address :

Husovo nám. 273, Kolín III, 280 02 Kolín, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +79
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City : Kolín

Husovo nám. 273, Kolín III, 280 02 Kolín, Czechia
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Sbor Církve československé byl postaven mezi lety 1931 – 1932 dle projektu Kotěrova žáka Vladimíra Wallenfelse ve funkcionalistickém stylu. Věřící Církve československé husitské v Kolíně se nejdříve scházeli v nedalekém kostele sv. Jana Křtitele. Od roku 1922 shromažďovali prostředky pro vybudování vlastního sboru. Základní kámen stavby byl položen 28. 6. 1931, vysvěcení proběhlo 12. 6. 1932, stavbu provedla místní firma Františka Záruby. Objekt se dodnes dochoval s minimálními změnami. The Church of the Czechoslovak Husittes was built between 1931 and 1932 according to a project by famous Czech architect Jan Kotěra's pupil Vladimír Wallenfels in the functionalist style. The members of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church in Kolín were first meeting in the nearby Church of St. John the Baptist. Since 1922 they have been raising funds for building their own building. The foundation stone was laid on 28 June 1931, consecration took place on 12 June 1932, and the construction was carried out by a local firm of František Záruba. The building has been preserved with minimal changes until today.
The Church of the Czechoslovak Church was built between 1931 and 1932 according to a design by Kotera's pupil Vladimír Wallenfels in the functionalist style. The believers of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church in Kolín first met in the nearby Church of Sts. John the Baptist. Since 1922 they have been raising funds for building their own corps. The foundation stone of the building was laid on 28 June 1931, consecration took place on 12 June 1932, and the construction was carried out by a local firm of František Záruba. The building has been preserved with minimal changes. The Church of the Czechoslovak Husittes was built between 1931 and 1932 according to a project by the famous Czech architect Jan Kotěra's pupil Vladimír Wallenfels in the functionalist style. The Czechoslovak Hussite Church in Kolín was the first meeting in the nearby Church of St. Nicholas. John the Baptist. Since 1922 they have been raising funds for building their own building. The foundation stone was laid on 28 June 1931, the consecration took place on 12 June 1932, and the construction was carried out by a local firm of František Záruba. The building has been preserved with minimal changes until today.

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