Immunia - pracoviště Křižíkova 109 - Křižíkova 435/109

3/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Immunia - pracoviště Křižíkova 109

Address :

Křižíkova 435/109, 186 00 Karlín, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +89
Postal code : 186
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Categories :
City : Karlín

Křižíkova 435/109, 186 00 Karlín, Czechia
Vojtěch Šplinar on Google

Petr Kadaník on Google

Menší ordinace s velmi milou a ochotnou paní doktorkou (MUDr. Vorlíčková), která vám vše vysvětlí a udělá potřebné testy pro zjištění případných alergií. Je tu ale jeden poměrně podstatný problém - konzultační hodiny, kdy Vám údajně paní doktorka po telefonu sdělí výsledky krve a probere to s Vámi, jsou jen ve středu od 7:00 do 8:30. A v tomto čase evidentně volá takové množství lidí, že není absolutně možné se dovolat. Minulou středu jsem se zkoušel během jedné hodiny dovolat 11x a bez úspěchu, stále obsazeno. Když zkusíte zavolat jindy, tak Vás sestra odkáže na středeční konzultační hodiny. Takže jsem byl na testech před více jak měsícem a výsledky stále nevím a nemám šanci je zjistit, pokud se nezmění systém nebo ordinační či konzultační hodiny. Snad si toto přečte někdo z vedení nebo někdo, kdo s tím může něco udělat. Za dva měsíce mám termín osobní kontroly, tak se výsledky dozvím asi až osobně, nemám čas a nervy stokrát vytáčet jedno telefonní číslo...
A small surgery with a very nice and helpful doctor (MUDr. Vorlíčková), who will explain everything to you and do the necessary tests to detect possible allergies. But there is one relatively important problem - the consultation hours, when the doctor will allegedly tell you the results of the blood over the phone and discuss it with you, are only on Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30. And at this time, evidently so many people are calling that it is absolutely impossible to appeal. Last Wednesday I tried to call 11 times in one hour and without success, still busy. If you try to call another time, the nurse will refer you to Wednesday's consultation hours. So I was on the tests more than a month ago and I still don't know the results and I don't have a chance to find them unless the system or the office or consultation hours change. Maybe someone from the management or someone who can do something about it will read this. I have a date for a personal check-up in two months, so I'll probably find out the results in person, I don't have the time and nerves to dial a phone number a hundred times ...
N. Young on Google

Very disappointed in Immunia. I made an appointment in May for an allergy test, with the soonest available appointment being mid-August. When I made the appointment in person I was told that the service was covered by public health insurance and that there would be an English speaking doctor available to help me. I received a notification yesterday of my appointment and decided to call and confirm that in fact the doctor helping me could speak English. Much to my surprise, the receptionist told me that having a doctor help me in English would cost 500kc extra. I asked why they'd charge more, if the doctor could speak English anyway, and if it was covered by public health insurance. She just said that it was company policy. I tried to find a workaround where only the spoken consultation would be in English, and the test results could be in Czech (where I'd just read them with a translator). She put the Doctor on the phone (Dr. Schittova) who quite directly told me (in English) that I could either accept the 500kc charge, bring in a translator, or cancel. When I said that the policy seemed unfair, especially after waiting two months for an appointment, she become rude and then said accept it or don't, and then hung up. So two months waiting, an unfair charge against non-Czech speakers (particularly when the main service is paid for by health insurance) and now I'm left with nothing. I recommend other people avoid this clinic, as their way of treating non-Czechs seems to be from the 1990s.

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