Instaprace - Praha

1/5 based on 1 reviews

Contact Instaprace

Address :

4, Praha, Praha 4, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 4
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Categories :

4, Praha, Praha 4, Czechia
V K on Google

Řidič služebního automobilu neumí jezdit! Dnes (24.1. kolem 15. hodiny) mi ve Vršovicích nedal přednost a malem došlo k nehodě, musel jsem opravdu velmi nepříjemně brzdit. A ani se neomluvil! Jestli takto vypadá i odvedená práce, tak to je smutné.
The driver of a company car cannot drive! Today (24 January around 3 pm) he did not give me priority in Vršovice and there was an accident for the little ones, I really had to brake very uncomfortably. And he didn't even apologize! If this is what the work done looks like, then it's sad.

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