Jímací jez na Riegrově stezce - Jímací jez na Riegrově stezce

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Contact Jímací jez na Riegrově stezce

Address :

513 01 Vysoké nad Jizerou, Czechia

Postal code : 513
Categories :
City : Vysoké nad Jizerou

513 01 Vysoké nad Jizerou, Czechia
Jára Name on Google

Krásně zanedbaná stavba. Ale svůj účel plní.
Beautifully neglected building. But it fulfills its purpose.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Jímací jez a domek jezného jsou součástí náročného inženýrského díla vodní elektrárny v Podspálově, která je zařazená mezi technické památky. V letech 1921 až 1926 vodohospodáři využili spádu Jizery mezi Bítouchovem a Podspálovem a podle projektu Ing. Dr. Antonína Jílka z ČVUT vybudovali zmíněnou elektrárnu včetně všech souvisejících objektů. Pevná část samotného jezu je z hubeného prostého betonu obloženého žulovým lomovým zdivem, respektive žulovou dlažbou. V koruně jezu je potom osazený opracovaný žulový kvádr. Nepevnou část jezu tvoří stavidlo korigující výšku hladiny vody. U domku jezného jsou tři česla, která zabraňují vtoku hrubých nečistot do odtokové štoly. Ta je vystřílená a vylámaná ve skalním masivu v délce 1760 metrů. Tvrdé vyvřelé horniny se odvezlo více než 420 železničních vagónů. Na štolu navazuje vyzděný úboční kanál dlouhý 437 metrů. Voda naakumulovaná nad jezem tak proudí k elektrárně nejprve štolou a poté kanálem celkem téměř 2200 metrů. The reservoir and the house of the weir-master are part of the demanding engineering work of the hydroelectric power plant in Podspálov, which is classified as a technical monument. Between 1921 and 1926, the water managers used the Jizera slope between Bítouchov and Podspálov and according to the project Ing. Dr. Antonín Jílka from ČVUT built the mentioned power plant, including all related buildings. The fixed part of the weir itself is made of thin, simple concrete lined with granite brickwork and granite tiles. In the crown of the weir is then placed a machined granite block. The unstable part of the weir is a water level adjusting valve. There are three filters at the cauldron house, which prevent the ingress of rough dirt into the drainage gully. It is shot and burnt in a rock massif of 1760 meters. The hard ignited rocks took over 420 railway wagons of material transported away. A 437-meter-long trench canal follows the canal. The water accumulated above the weir then flows to the power station first by a channel and then by a channel almost 2200 meters in total.
The collection weir and the house of the weir are part of the demanding engineering work of the hydroelectric power plant in Podspálov, which is included among the technical monuments. In the years 1921 to 1926, water managers used the Jizera slope between Bítouchov and Podspálov and according to the project of Ing. Dr. Antonín Jílek from the Czech Technical University built the mentioned power plant, including all related buildings. The solid part of the weir itself is made of thin plain concrete lined with granite quarry masonry or granite paving. A machined granite block is then installed in the crown of the weir. The non-solid part of the weir is formed by a sluice correcting the water level. There are three screens near the dormitory house, which prevent the inflow of coarse dirt into the drainage gallery. It is fired and broken in a rock mass of 1760 meters. Hard igneous rocks were taken away by more than 420 railway wagons. The gallery is followed by a walled side canal 437 meters long. The water accumulated above the weir thus flows to the power plant first through a gallery and then through a canal for a total of almost 2200 meters. The reservoir and the house of the weir-master are part of the demanding engineering work of the hydroelectric power plant in Podspálov, which is classified as a technical monument. Between 1921 and 1926, the water managers used the Jizera slope between Bítouchov and Podspálov and according to the project Ing. Dr. Antonín Jílka from ČVUT built the mentioned power plant, including all related buildings. The fixed part of the weir itself is made of thin, simple concrete lined with granite brickwork and granite tiles. In the crown of the weir is then placed a machined granite block. The unstable part of the weir is a water level adjusting valve. There are three filters at the cauldron house, which prevent the ingress of rough dirt into the drainage gully. It is shot and burnt in a rock massif of 1760 meters. The hard ignited rocks took over 420 railway wagons of material transported away. A 437-meter-long trench canal follows the canal. The water accumulated above the weir then flows to the power station first by a channel and then by a channel almost 2200 meters in total.
Martin Vorel on Google

Moc pěkný místo
Very nice place
Miroslav Koucký on Google

Zajímavá stavba na Riegerově stezce.
Interesting building on the Rieger Trail.
Vaclav Pluskal on Google

Budova ve správě ČEZ
The building is managed by ČEZ
Radek Stehlík on Google

Je až neuvěřitelné, čeho byli naší předci schopní. Rád se sem.
It is unbelievable what our ancestors were capable of. I like to come here.
Vladimír Černý on Google

Jirka Just on Google

One of the interesting stops on Riegrove stezce. Possibility to rest on bench. Place is surrounded by beautiful nature

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